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"We're late for the shoot, Mr. Park. We have to go now." My driver speaks as I chug the rest of my coffee down.

"I'm coming." I throw the cup out before we get into the car. "I thought that the shoot started at 8?"

"It does but Miss Lang is already there. Your manager just texted me."

Miss Lang. Amaria Lang.

When my manager forwarded me the email about who I'd be working with, I knew the name sounded familiar. I just couldn't picture who she was in my head.

Until last night when Taemin congratulated her on the birth of her child. The tweet that he quoted was an interview for DAZED magazine. She graced the cover of it.

Seeing her face reminded me of who she was immediately. Her visuals grace my dreams some nights.

It's not often, but it's enough to make sure that I don't forget her face.

Hearing that she had a baby was good news to me. I always like hearing the positives about people's lives. She's a private person. There's hardly anything too revealing about her on the internet.

I like that.

I wish that I could maintain that space of privacy. I'd have no trouble doing it in the States. It's my home country that would give me a hard time. Here, they gossip, create theories and drop them if too much time goes by with no further evidence.

Back home, they'd drag it. They'd assume that my newfound privacy means that I'm hiding something. Maybe they simply just don't need to know all of my business.

We get to the GQ shoot and I'm escorted in by my security. The first thing that I hear is a baby crying.

Did she bring her child? It's freezing outside. I hope they're bundled properly. Why are they crying so loud?

I look around until I see a tall guy holding a baby, looking like he's unsure what to do with it. I assume it's her security. For the baby's sake, I hope he isn't the father.

I walk over and gesture for him to give him to me.

When he does without hesitation, the world stops.

I take in all of his features as I bring him close to my body to rock him. The contour of his little baby nose. The fullness of his bottom lip. The eyes are what really give it away for me. They're a signature, unique.

There's no doubt in my mind... but how? Why wouldn't she say anything?

I put the pacifier thats clipped to his onesie into his mouth. He sucks on it as his eyes flutter. His thick lashes stand out against his skin. I swallow harshly.

He's beautiful.

I hear footsteps moving in my direction and I look up.


She pauses in her steps, looking from me to the boy in my arms. I question her with my eyes as my brows dip. Her nostrils flare a bit as her eyes gloss.

He's mine.

After the shoot, Amaria and I sit in a small conference room. Our security is standing outside the door talking about the people they've guarded before us.

There's a quiet that takes over the air as I hold my son.

It feels both weird and rewarding to be able to say that. My son. I helped create a child.

"What's his name?" I ask her quietly as not to wake him. I haven't put him down since I got him. I mean, I had to for the shoot but other than that, I haven't.

"Kailo." She responds, looking at our boy.

"Kailo." I say it out loud, trying it out. "He has your surname?"

She nods and doesn't look at me. "I didn't want anyone to suspect anything or leak anything. You know how they can be. I value my privacy too much. He's an infant, he doesn't need the backlash."

I know that. The way our fans were at each other's throats last night is proof enough of the reason she's kept him a secret.

Though I don't agree with her keeping him from me at all, I understand to some degree.

"Can I see him more?" I ask. I feel hesitant about the question. She's adamant about her privacy and I'm not sure exactly to what extent.

"Of course." She say quietly. "He's your son. We'll just have to figure something out." She says as her brows furrow.

Figuring any of this out is going to be a lot for the both of us. I'm supposed to back to Korea in two weeks for an awards show. I live there. My citizenship is there. My friends are there.

My life is there.

Or what I've built of it at least.

"I'm going to give you my number so that we can keep in contact. My only free day is tomorrow. My schedule is full for the next couple of weeks. But I'd really like to see him more."

I rub his cheek with my thumb and he smiles in his sleep. He's precious. Amaria hands me her phone and I take it to put my number in. And vice versa. When I lock it to give it back to her, her screen is a picture of Kailo.

"Do you want me to send you pictures of him?" She asks as she takes it back.


A knock on the door is heard and one of Amaria's bodyguards pokes his head in. "We should get going. It's starting to come down out there. I don't want you guys to be out in this."

Amaria nods. "Okay. We'll be out in a second." He closes the door and we both stand up.

I kiss Kailo's cheek before I hand him to her. She gives me a warm smile before she turns to put him in his car seat. I watch the way that she does it. I commit it to memory so that I know how to do it myself if the time ever comes.

"So. Uh. Kailo and I are also free tomorrow if you wanted to see him then. I can make dinner for us all. He can eat some solids now, mushy foods. If it's too soon or sudden, we can do a different day." She puts his hat on before putting a cover over the car seat.

"No, that works. That's great. Just text me and let me know what time I should come over and I'll be there:"  I tell her as she grabs the car seat. She hands it to her security as we walk down the hall.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She waves to me and I wave back before she walks away.

I get into my car to see that it really is starting to come down outside. I just hope that nobody gets snowed in and I can't go anywhere.

Kailo will be waiting for me tomorrow.

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