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"Come on, Kai. We gotta get you ready for the doctor." I wake him up and change his diaper. As I get him dressed, he starts fussing.

"I know you're hungry, I know. I'm getting there." I put his sweatpants on after I snap the buttons on his onesie. I sit in the rocking chair and unclasp the nursing bra. He latches perfectly as I rock us back and forth.

Last night was fun. I thanked Megan for inviting me out for the event. Even if it was just a performance and getting other people drunk, I'm still grateful for it.

The little break was work related but I still enjoyed myself. Twitter blew up after I left. Agust left a little bit before I did. Thankfully, no paparazzi were allowed on the premises.

That didn't stop Twitter from losing it seeing the video though. Agust was spotted hyping the girls and I up as we danced. He also posted a picture of all of us at the bar when I was pouring drinks.

People know that Megan and Pardi are together so they're putting me and Agust together by default.

Most people are just hyping the friendship, others are looking for more. So far, Agust has ignored it just as much as I have.

Kailo finishes eating and he burps by himself. I coo at him and clap his little hands. "You're such a big boy."

He smiles his sleepy smile and I continue getting ready. I check his diaper bag to make sure that everything I need is in there before grabbing my bag.

Right on time, my driver texts me and tells me that he's outside. I put my shoes on and go out the door. I lock in Kailo's car seat behind the passenger seat and then get in behind the driver.

We say good morning to each before starting the drive to pediatrician's office.

He drops us off and I put my scarf on before grabbing his car seat and heading into the building. I get us all checked in and sit down to wait.

I take off the cozy cover and put it in the diaper bag for now. He's still sleeping. I take a picture of him and send it to the group chat.

It consists of my mom, Ive and Samara. My mom and Ive text back saying how cute he is. My mom is most likely sleeping in. She doesn't have to work today and it's her first day off in 8 days.

I told her that she doesn't have to work. I'll help her with whatever she needs. She always declines. Working 'keeps her bones young'.

"Kailo Lang."

I stand up and put the diaper bag on my back. I reach for Kai's seat but another hand grabs it. Recognizing it, I roll my eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"I told you I care about him, Mari I'm not just gonna stop coming to his appointments because you're mad at me."

"It's not about me being mad at you. It's about you overstepping boundaries right now. I am the only parent of Kailo's in this office. You are not his father and you never have been."

We walk past the nurse and she shows us the room we're going to be in.

"Where his daddy at then? Cause I don't see him in here?" He says to me quietly as we walk in. The nurse sits down at the desktop.

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