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"I'm happy that we've got this started. It's one step closer to bridging the familial gap for you. Mrs. Stewart emailed me late last night. I haven't had the time to get back to her just yet. Over my lunch, I'll email her back and schedule a phone call with her."

The meeting between my manager and I has been going for about ten minutes. We talked about the ruling of Amaria's order against Demetrius and his fiancée. It's been extended to Kailo as well so neither of them can have contact with either one of the Langs.

Her lawyer is working to get the paperwork for Cassie's done today and hopefully have it turned in by tomorrow morning.

I also told him about the name change petition being submitted. That's what he was most happy to hear about. Of course he's happy to hear about Kai's protection but this feels like a bigger accomplishment. It was something that we considered a harder feat. So to hear that it's finally being tackled, it brings a greater sense of joy.

"Amaria said that it could be done over the phone. Does that still stand?"

The last thing that I need is to show up at a United States court house. Nobody would be quiet about it and it would be everywhere quick. I don't even know how we would keep that contained.... What would be the lie?

"Yes. You're very high profile. We don't want to risk you being seen in the public. I don't think that they would have granted it for just Amaria but with you and a child being involved, that brings the petition to a new tier of importance."

In other words, they're covering my ass specifically because I'm at greater risk of being doxxed as a celebrity. People here could say things about Amaria but it won't be detrimental to her career. Her fan base in international but it isn't strongly based on my side of the world.

"As long as everything is kept under wraps, that's fine. I promised Amaria that I'd keep this as low key as I could. She's going through enough right now."

"Of course. Her PR team will be in contact with yours to work together and stay up with each other to keep the risk at zero. Both are great at what they do so we'll let them do their jobs. Right now, you just have to focus on you. Everything else is being handled. How is Yujin doing with all of this?"

I sigh and hum.

"Uuhhh. I think that she's doing okay. I haven't seen a lot of her because of our work schedules but we're going out for dinner tonight so we'll have time to talk then."

"Okay. Just make sure that she's alright. I know it might be a bit much for her but you're trying to keep everyone satisfied and that takes a toll. You're doing the best that you can, Jimin. Pretty damn good for someone being thrown into a whole new world of experiences." He reassures me.

I'm trying. I just feel like Yujin and I haven't been speaking the best lately and I don't know how to feel about that.

"Thank you. It feels good to know that I'm not entirely failing."

"Of course you're not. It takes time. None of this can be rushed even though we'd like it to be. It's all a part of the process. It will be worth it in the end, I can tell you that."

I hope that it will be. I hope that as Kailo grows, he'll always be this protected. I hope that Amaria will be happier and less stressed. I hope that Yujin sticks with me through this. I know it's hard, but I'm doing as much as I can to limit the amount of stress that she feels from it.

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