.white balance.

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"Your Wired interview is doing great. As far as numbers go, it's above average right now. More people are finding out about you, they're learning about your music, fanbase, things like that. They're doing their research about you."

"I saw that I was trending on Twitter again a few days ago. I wasn't sure what I did, I didn't have much time to look. Kailo was over with me."

Jimin's manager makes a face of recognition. "Ah~. Yes. How is that going?"

"It's going well. He recognizes me as a constant now. It didn't take as long as I thought it would."

"That's good." His manager smiles at him. "I am happy that you're taking all of this so well. I know that it can't be easy with it all being so new and sudden for you."

"I'm managing. I didn't think that it would be so easy for me to adjust or easy at all but Amaria is very accommodating."

"I worried that she wouldn't be because of how the way she hid him from you. Her reasoning makes sense though. I respect her for the way that she's handling this."

"I do too. She's going through some things right now and still keeping it together so I'm very appreciative." Jimin says as he thinks of her. He truly is grateful for the woman that he has to coparent with. He doesn't want to imagine what sort of disaster this could have been if she was a different type of person.

"Have you guys discussed anything further involving Kailo?" 

"Uh~. No, not really. We've talked about who we do and don't want him around, but that's about it."

"Is this in regards to the situation you told me before?"

"Yeah." Jimin didn't want to say too much to his manager about it. But he felt that he needed to know. Anything that could fall back on him somehow, he needs to know about. With Amaria getting the order of protection against him for herself and Kailo, it poses a risk.

The case could be outed and so could Kailo's identifying information. If that happens and he is made a target by anybody because of the situation, Jimin doesn't know how much control he will have over himself.

"That's being handled by her team who I know is very good at what they do just based on how low-key that Miss Lang's life is kept. I wouldn't worry too much about that. What about custody and visitation? Has that been worked out?"

Jimin makes a face that lets his manager know that, no, that hasn't been worked out either. The man sighs and looks at him.

"Jimin. You have to have these conversations. You live in a different country, and you have no legal ties to your son right now. That's another thing. Are you going to take to her about the surname or the birth certificate? God forbid something happens and we have to go through legal proceedings for you to have access to him. That will be a mess, Jimin."

"Yes, I know. I'm-." Jimin runs his hands through his hair and huffs. "I'm trying to take everything one step at a time. I don't want to ask for too much or do anything to upset her. We're doing okay right now."

"He is your child just as much as he is hers. You not being present for his first six months of month is of no fault of yours. It cannot be used against you. You two need to have these conversations. They may be difficult and they may be upsetting but they need to happen. You can't walk on eggshells when it comes to your child."

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