.lens correction.

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A|N-double update today because I thought this one was the scene but it's the next one. Lmao. But I promised so :)


The thread of guilt that wove itself into me is as thin as was last night. Do I feel bad for what I did knowing that Yujin was blowing my phone up? Maybe. Do I regret it?

Why should I?

Kailo's whines bring my mind back to the forefront as he wakes up. It's eight in the morning, his usual time. I get out of bed and walk to his nursery. He's rolled onto his stomach, fussing as he looks around. He looks pissed.

I pick him up and kiss his cheeks. "Good morning, little man." He starts chewing on his fingers, drooling all over them and me. "You hungry?" I question as I lay him on the changing table.

He kicks his legs as he continues to fuss. I hurry to get him downstairs. Making his bottle is easier when she's got freshly pumped milk, unfrozen in the fridge. I warm it up, adding baby cereal into it and feed him.

Annette told Amaria and I a week or so ago to start giving it to him. He's been on track with weight and stuff but he needs better supplements as he ages. Her breastmilk can only do so much now, I guess.

Kailo pulls the bottle out of my grasp and holds it himself. I blink at him as his face scrunches.

"I'm sorry. I was sleep. Don't get mad at me." I sit him in his high chair and he puts his head back against it, drinking his milk and staring at me.

"Why are you so aware today? Are you always like this with your mother?" A genuine question because I have never seen him like this. I sit across from him and stare at him. Maybe he'll talk again. He blinks at me every so often but never takes his eyes off.

I move side to side and they follow.

Amaria's footsteps come down the stairs as Kailo and I have our stare-off. He doesn't even look at her.

"What are you doing?" She questions.

"He won't stop staring at me."

I see her raise an eyebrow from my peripheral. She looks at Kailo who is still watching me. She snickers and shakes her head.

"Unbelievable... Did you eat yet?"

I turn my head to look at her as she opens the fridge. She's still in the t shirt from the night before. Her legs are bare. I didn't notice the thin lines of lighter skin on her thighs last night. Nor did I notice the way her thighs touch simply more towards the top than the bottom.


"Huh?" My eyes look to her. Her curly hair is tied into a puffy bun on her head and her cheeks have a light layer of oil on them. This is the in person view of what I saw on FaceTime the morning after Taemin's concert.

"No. I didn't" I answer her question after remembering it. "I didn't want to go through your cabinets or the fridge without asking you first."

She narrows her eyes at me. "That's weird. Just eat. I'm gonna go take a shower. I put a towel and some wash cloths on your bed. I have some clothes too big for me that you can probably fit. You can wash your clothes too.. I don't have men's underwear here so..." She taps her leg nervously.

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