.damaged film.

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At 10 AM, Taemin texts me to let me know that he is outside. To my surprise, he has Agust with him. I let them inside and they take their shoes off at the door. Taemin walks inside and starts looking for Kailo. When his eyes find him, he gasps slowly. He puts the bags in his hand down and walks over.

"Oh, my god. He's adorable." He sits on the floor in front of him as he shakes his rattle around. Kailo looks at the man with curious eyes. Agust walks over and squats to look at him.

"Is he going to cry if we hold him?"

"Amaria said that he doesn't really like strangers but maybe he'll be okay if I'm here. Wash your hands first."

Both men get up to wash their hands. Kailo looks at me as he lays on his back. He rolls over to his stomach and starts kicking his legs while he shakes the rattle. The noise intrigues him as he looks at it. I laugh when he stops shaking to inspect it.

"Okay. Give him here." Taemin comes back first with freshly washed and dried hands. He sits back on the floor and holds his hands out for Kailo. He looks at him and then at me.

"It's okay, Kai."

Taemin grabs him and sits him in his lap. Kailo's lip juts out and he smiles at him. "Hi, little guy." Taemin pokes his stomach and Kai opens his mouth to grin. He turns his head to look at him and he coos.

Agust comes into the room and sits next to Taemin. I watch as they play with him and he becomes more comfortable. He looks at me every so often and I smile in reassurance.

"Have you talked to her about his surname?"

I look at Taemin and then at Kailo. "No. I haven't really gotten around to it. There's been so much going on lately, I haven't been thinking about it."

"There are a lot of conversations you need to have with her." Agust says. "Surname, custody, meeting your family, how you guys are going to go about all of this without anything being leaked. You have to be careful, Jimin."

"I know. We've both just been busy. I'll try to have a talk with her this week. At least about one of those things."

"I'd start with the surname. That's probably the easiest one."

"It is." It definitely is. I know for a fact that Amaria will not agree to me taking Kailo overseas so soon, if at all. It's a better option to ask the both of them to come. But I don't know if she'll agree to that either.

An hour or so later and Kailo gets hungry and starts chewing on Taemin's knuckles. He slobs all down his fingers and the man finds it funny. I get up to make him a bottle and Taemin passes him off to Agust.

The baby bounces in Agust's arms and he laughs. I hand him the bottle and he begins to feed him. "He eats well."

"Yeah. He's a healthy baby. He was almost nine pounds."

"Really?" They ask at the same time.

"Yeah. I have pictures. Hold on." I say as I take out my phone.

"Was she big? She doesn't even look like she had a baby at all."

"She was average sized, I think. She wasn't carrying more than her body could support in weight if that's what you mean." I find all of the pictures of her from her shoots that her mother sent me. Agust is right though. Amaria does not look like she had a baby. She's thicker in the thighs and her hips look a little wider but that's about it.

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