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10k?! Thank you🚀💜


For a few nights, Jimin stays with Yoongi. He doesn't want to be around Yujin for a while, he needs to cool off before he says anything to her. It's taking a while. After the things that she said, he's not sure he'll be ready for conversation for quite a while.

Amaria looks up from feeding Kailo at the sound of knocking on her front door. She looks at the time and then furrows her brows. It's almost 9 o'clock but nobody called her to say they were stopping by.

"The hell..."

She puts Kailo down on his play mat and adjusts her nursing tank before peeking into the hallway. She isn't able to see who's at the door through the frosted glass. She sighs before walking down the hall. She pulls her phone out ready to call the police.

The front door opens and her eyes widen. "Jimin." She steps out of the way and lets him inside. "What are you doing? It's freezing outside."

The tip of his nose is red and almost dripping. His face is flushed as well. She can't tell if he's upset or just really cold.

"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have come without calling but I really wanted to see Kailo and I can't be in that house right now."  He explains still standing by the door. She pulls him in further and closes the door behind him.

"It's fine, it's fine." She waves him off as she shivers. "Just take your stuff off and get in here." She rubs her arms to warm them up and regrets wearing a nursing tank and shorts around the house.

Jimin takes his boots and coat off before walking further into the house.

"Now what did you say happened?" She asks as she goes to pick up Kailo again. She grabs the nursing cover and gets him to latch, keeping her breasts from view.

"Yujin and I got into an argument and she said stuff that really shouldn't have been said. I don't think I can keep side stepping it or brushing it like she'll adjust. I know I can't. Not after the other night."

Amaria looks shocked. She assumed that they were doing fine. Jimin never talks about their disagreements or anything to her. They only talk about themselves and their son.

"Was it that bad?" She doesn't want to pry but she at least want to offer advice for him if she can.

The look that Jimin gives her tells her the answer. He doesn't want to have to tell her that Yujin has been making snide comments about her and their son but he needs someone to vent to and honestly, it's about time she knows anyway.

"She's been saying slick shit ever since she found out about you and him. She said that Kailo was a mistake and that you're trying to take up all my time with him. She said he's getting in between us. I can't even..." He cuts himself and sighs.

"I kept brushing them because I was thinking she was just hurt or upset, you know? She was speaking that way because she didn't know how to feel. But I don't think that's the case anymore. Or that it ever was."

Amaria suspected that Yujin would have something to say about the amounts of time that he spends around her and her family. She doesn't want her to think that there was something funny going on. She hoped that she doesn't think that.

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