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"His bottles are in the side pockets this time. I was rushing and couldn't get them into the front. Things are stuffed inside. It's unorganized and I'm sorry."

My mother waves me off as she takes Kailo from his car seat. He's half asleep with his binkie in his mouth.

"You're fine, Mari. I know you're busy and tired. I can't imagine the kind of sleep or lack thereof that you're getting. Just go handle your business and get rid of that man. Me and your father got Kai. Samara said she'll come over later anyway. You and Ivelisse gon head and get to the court house."

I thank her again and kiss her and my father on the cheek.

Today is my court date for the order of protection. My lawyer couldn't get it changed into an over the phone case so I have to go in. Luckily, it's been kept private but that doesn't mean paparazzi won't be there waiting for a scoop.

Ivelisse and I get inside the truck with Tak and Steve and head to the court house. My hands are beginning to sweat the closer we get. I feel more nervous than when I had to introduce Jimin to his son. This feels worse. I have never had to do anything like this before.

After my lawyer submit the evidence of the screenshots to the judge a few days ago, she also suggested an order of protection against Demetrius's fiancée as well. I told her that I wasn't sure about it.

"You okay, Mari?" Ivelisse asks as we pull into the lot.

"Yes, just nervous." I don't know what to expect. Im not sure what will be said or what will happen. I was lucky to say that I never had to be in these types of situations. It seems that my luck has long run out.

I asked for a good year. It's the end of February and it's been a very unnerving one. I don't like it already.

"You'll be okay. I'm right here, your lawyer gonna be right there. You know she don't play about you. It's gonna be in and out, girl." Ive reassures me as we get out of the vehicle. We're parked in the back and led through the entrance that way to avoid a greater risk of being seen.

Once inside, we're wanded and checked in. We wait patiently until it's time to speak to my lawyer. When we do, she tells me what's going to happen.

"They're going to read the statements and reports of the events that took place. We have police statements and the noise complaint call on record as well. It's not looking too good for him right now. That coupled with the messages that you got after the fact, hopefully, we can get the order pushed through for you and Kai."

I nod as I listen. Whatever it takes to keep him away from me and my son works. He can't keep using him as a way to get to me.

We are called into the court room not too long after. Demetria is there with his lawyer and Cassie is there as well. Of course she is.

"Good morning, everybody. We're here today to discuss the possible order of protection from Miss Amaria Lang and son Kailo Lang against Mr. Demetrius Castor. It's stated in Miss Lang's written testimony that Mr. Castor has been verbally and physically aggressive with her. Even going as far as to push her causing the damage of household furniture and temporary injury to her person.

"The police were called late that night for a domestic noise complaint. They followed up the next morning to find the stools broken but no visible proof of injury to Miss Lang."

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