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Kailo has been screaming his head off for the last ten minutes. I've changed him, I've fed him, I've tried to make him laugh. Nothing is working.

He's even in his swing right now, still screaming like a mad man. I don't know what to do.

It's really late, I don't want to call Annette. She might not answer. I'm definitely not going to call Amaria. She's enjoying herself right now.

I can do this. I'm his father. I can figure out by myself. I don't need to call her every time something goes wrong. He's just crying.

I Google reasons why babies would cry for no reason and go through the list. He's fed. He's changed. I double take at him. Maybe I should check again.

I check his diaper and he's dry. The next thing is teething. Amaria said that he wasn't anymore. After that is high or low temp. I know what his temp is supposed to be. I sift through the top drawer of his dresser and get out his thermometer.

I run it across his forehead and it reads normal temp. I sigh as he cries. He's screeching at this point. It's nearing midnight. I'm tired and Yujin is sleeping... or trying to rather. She's probably up by now.

I look at the last thing on the list and roll my eyes. I swear to god if he stops crying when I pick him up, I'm going to scream. I tried this already. Twice.

I pick Kailo up and hold him against me. He calms but still continues to cry. I strip him from his onesie so that he's down to his diaper. I put him against me, skin to skin.

Almost instantly, he stops crying.

I stare at the wall in front of me and blink. He. Cannot. Be serious right now.

I look down at him and his blinking slows until his eyes shut. I look back at my phone and scroll until I find an explanation other than he just wants to be held because what....?

Apparently, that's one of the sole reasons. He wants to be held and skin to skin calms and comforts him. It's more of want for him because he's a breastfed baby. He really enjoys skin to skin because of it.

I hold him in my arms and sway until his body feels heavier. I look at his crib and then back to him. I'm scared to put him down. If he starts screeching and I have to do this all over again, I might be frustrated. Understanding still but frustrated.

I sit in the padded rocking chair and recline it a bit. I pull my phone out for entertainment to see that Taemin is trending. Expected since he's trended every night of his tour that he's performed.

'TaeMaria' is also trending. I tap that one and go through the tweets. It's people recognizing Amaria at the concert, taking pictures with her and just being happy that she showed up to the concert. A lot of people thought that she would, knowing that she's a fan.

There are also screenshots of her Instagram posts. She took pictures before the concert by herself, with Samara and Ivelisse and with Taemin. They're all posted to her page now.

People even screen recorded her Instagram story posts of her and Ivelisse singing their hearts out while Samara laughs at them. I'm glad that she is enjoying herself. It makes me smile.

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