.perspective correction.

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Jimin wakes to the feeling of his nose being tickled. He shakes his head slowly as he opens his eyes. Amaria's naked body is on top of his along with the comforter. He rubs her hips, feeling the softness of her skin under his fingertips. Her hair is in his face a bit but he doesn't truly mind.

His thoughts wander to the events of last night. He cherishes every part of it. From the way she softly kissed him to the way she held him against her after. Every piece of intimacy was there. Every spark that they've had grew together until it became a burning flame.

He doesn't even feel guilty. He feels nothing but relief, oddly enough. Nothing but consolation in knowing that he isn't the only one. It isn't just him that's been ignoring the small pulls.

He looks at the time on the clock before maneuvering out from under her. He gets up, throws on his boxers and walks to the bathroom. He takes a 20 minute shower before getting out and getting dressed.

Amaria wakes up shortly after and moves around in the sheets. She sits up and scratches her head, pushing her hair out of her face.

"Good morning." Jimin greets her with an abashed smile.

"Good morning." She replies softly as she swings her legs over the edge of the bed. "Is Kailo up yet?"

"No. But I think he'll be up soon. I got him. You can shower and do your morning routine."

Jimin pulls his belt to fit it to his waist size. Amaria stretches and stands up. As she's walking to the bathroom, Kailo starts whining. She pauses in step and Jimin comes up from behind her with his hands on her waist to push her.

"I got him. Go shower." He squeezes twice and she giggles.

"Okay. I'm going."

He watches her go in and close the door before walking into their son's room. He picks him up and his whining calms. Jimin changes his diaper and dresses him for the day. He puts him in brown sweatpants with a bear on the butt and a long sleeved tan colored onesie.

Kailo tries to grab at Jimin's earring as he takes him downstairs. "You're always trying to pull my ears off, Kai. I need these."

The infant babbles back, drooling onto his father's shirt. He says nothing about it, instead uses his sleeve to wipe the excess from his son's mouth. He grabs a pouch of breastmilk out of the fridge and warms it before putting it into a bottle with baby cereal. He also gives him some applesauce as well, strawberry flavored.

He eats all of his food and that makes Jimin happy.

"You're getting so big. You're going be using sippy cups pretty soon." The second it's out of his mouth, he looks down the hall toward the stairs to make sure that Amaria didn't hear him. When the coast is clear, he looks at Kailo and starts whispering.

"Don't tell Mommy I said that. It's a secret. You're gonna be big and strong so we can run around and terrorize her."

Kailo giggles wildly as his father father speaks in his hushed tone. His smile full of four teeth shows and Jimin stares at him.

"Since when?" He scrunches his nose up and lifts Kailo's top lip. "What... and you weren't fussy? What's up with that? You screamed your head off last time."

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