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I stare at the tweets on my phone screen, scrolling through the madness as I stand in my mother's living room.

Samara told me about all of this mess yesterday. I was too tired to fully register what she was saying. I also wasn't very active on social media due to mommy duties and my baby who doesn't seem to want to be put down.

The tweets are basically assuming that Agust D and I are involved somehow. Moreover, they think this man is my baby's father. Over a single video. The reactions are mostly okay but the assumption is what irks me. I can't do anything without somebody assuming something. It's very annoying.

The doorbell rings as I move side to side with Kailo in my arms. My father gets up from his recliner.

"I got it. Just keep Kai calm." He says. I smack my teeth and he looks back to smile at me. This boy will not go to anybody else but me. He's been a little stuffy today and I think that he might be getting a cold.

Germs that are easy for me and the family to fight off make him sick easily. I'll be able to tell if he's actually sick when I pump depending on the color of my milk.

"Hey, son."

"Hello." I hear Jimin's voice speak to my father as he gets further into the house. He comes into view and my mother waves to him from the kitchen.

"Hey, Jimin."

"Hi, Mrs. Lang."

"I told you to call me Annette, now. I ain't that old. I only got one grandbaby."

"I forgot. I apologize." He smiles sheepishly at my mother before turning to me. He looks at me for a few seconds before he says anything. I think that we're both feeling the awkward from the Twitter situation. It's something that I feel like needs to be talked about before it gets out of hand.

Maybe I should ask my management team to make a statement.

"Hi, Mari."

"Hey, Jimin."

He puts a bag on the couch and walks over with arms out for a hug that I happily give him.

"How are you?" He asks as he takes Kailo out of my arms. The baby stops whining as his father takes him.

"Really, Kai?" I say as I look at him. He turns his head in the other direction with his head against Jimin's chest. My father laughs as he sits down in his recliner.

"I've been okay." I say in response to his question. The Twitter situation isn't as bad as it could be. People conjure up rumors for pure entertainment. The only making it different than any other time is the fact that a child is involved.

"Can we talk after dinner? I was going to wait to ask but with everything going on, I think that it would be best to get everything out now."

"Okay. Uh, yeah. We can talk after dinner. I'd prefer it to be at my house instead of here if you don't mind." I say as I look at my mother and father. I don't want them to overhear about anything going on and get worried about me or Kailo. They have enough on their plates right now.

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