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This isn't how it was supposed to be, I'm supposed to be in church in a beautiful gown saying my vows, not sat here in a small apartment surrounded by boxes. Today should have been my wedding day, it should have been a happy day, but all I feel is pain.

The day before I had come home to find my husband to be Jake and my best friend Liv in bed together, in our bed, in our home. I had been betrayed by the two people I trusted the most and the only thing I knew for sure was that I was done, done with men, done with love, I had opened my heart for the last time.

I look down at the plane tickets in my hand, tickets to Hawaii, what was supposed to be our honeymoon, my initial intention had been to tear them up and throw them away, I didn't need them anymore and I wouldn't be able to get my money back, but for some reason I couldn't do it, and the more I stare at them the more I feel like I should go.

As I run my hands over the tickets my phone begins to ring, Jake, what the hell does he want.

"What do you want Jake?" I ask answering the call

"I was hoping we could talk" he says "It really wasn't what it looked like"

"Oh really so you weren't in our bed with my best friend riding you like a mechanical bull?" I snap

"I wouldn't put it quite like that" he mutters "What I meant was it wasn't an affair, it was the first time it happened"

"Clearly you two aren't together for the conversation" I chuckle "she's already told me everything, so cut to the chase and tell me what you want"

"Since we won't be going I was wondering if Liv and I could have the tickets to Hawaii?" he asks "it's not like you have anyone to go with"

"No you can't you asshole" I snap "I'm going, I don't need anyone to go with me I would rather be alone"

"Come on Sam we both know you won't go" he says "at least this way they won't go to waste"

And just like that my decision was made, I was going on this holiday, I was going to give myself a week of sun, sea and sand, a week away from everything and a week to heal. Why should he get to enjoy himself when he had taken so much away from me, my happiness, my home, my life pretty much.

"I am going" I say matter of factly "If anyone deserves this holiday it's me, and besides I paid for it, you want to take her away open your wallet" I say ending the call.

All I needed to do now was pack and get on that plane.


Placing the box I was carrying on top of the others that were stacked in my new house I couldn't believe this was even happening. 5 years of marriage gone and for what? because I was never home. I had given that woman everything, I had loved her completely,  I'd bought her everything she wanted, I had got us a nice house, put food on the table but after 5 years it just wasn't good enough, I wasn't doing enough, I wasn't home enough.

"That's the last of it" Jimmy says placing a box down next to me "How you holding up uce?"

"I don't know, I really don't know" I say leaning against the wall "I just need time to get my head around this, straighten my shit out"

"What are you going to do?" Jey asks "are you going to come back to work?"

"No I'm actually going away for a week" I say "you know get away, have some me time, I'm going to Hawaii"

"good idea uce" Jimmy smiles "maybe get yourself a little holiday romance while you are there"

"I'm not looking for that man" I say shaking my head "I'm not looking for anything, I just want a week where I can just be Joe and forget about Roman Reigns"

"So why Hawaii?" Jey asks

"I don't know" I say " I was thinking about where to go and something told me I should go there, so I booked a ticket"

It was the truth, I had been looking online for ideas of where to go and for some reason Hawaii came into my head and it stuck, it didn't matter what other destinations I looked at my mind always went back to there.

I had booked the flights and hotel on the spot, it was only after that I found out the resort I had picked was popular with honeymooners, just what I needed a hotel full of happy couples. I suppose I could use the hotel as a base and go out and about, stay away for as much of time as possible.

Besides who wants a miserable, heartbroken man spoiling their honeymoon?

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