Unexpected Question

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Joe and I spent the rest of the cruise up on deck watching the sunset and dolphins together. I had found that the more time I spent with him the more I liked him and the more that scared me.

I wasn't ready to let some one new in and how did I know he wouldn't hurt me just like Jake did? No it simply wasn't worth the risk to my already damaged heart. It didn't help that we had shared what would be under normal circumstances a romantic evening.

When the ship arrives back I port Joe and I leave the ship together and I start looking around for a cab.

"What are you looking for?" Joe asks

"A cab" I say still looking around "To get us back to the hotel"

"It's really not that far, we could walk back" he says and I look at him somewhat cautiously "come on you'll be safe with me and I don't bite I promise" he smiles

"Alright sure" I smile "I assume you know the way?"

"Of course" he says offering me his arm "madame" he says making me chuckle

"Why thank you kind sir" I laugh as I link my arm with his

"So did you enjoy the cruise?" He asks

"I did, everything but eating alone" I sigh "that was no fun"

"Why is it that everything is better with company?" He chuckles

"No idea" I say "but I'm going to stick to eating my meals in my room, at least no one can stare at me then"

"There is another option" he says "Would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow?" He asks

For a moment I fall silent, his question is a little unexpected and a little scary. The idea of a date right now is out of the question, as much as I like Joe I don't want to be disappointed again.

"Joe, please don't take this the wrong way but that's not what I came here for" I say

"Oh god no, I didn't mean a date" he says looking a little mortified "I meant just two friends having lunch, that's it"

"Well in that case I would love to have lunch with you" I smile


Mortified was not the word right now, I hadn't meant a date, dating is the last thing I want to do right now. I mean I like Sam a lot but I am just not in the right place right now.

I had to admit though it was nice to have some one to talk to and ending the cruise with her was amazing but why would she want to be with a man that's never home?

I was relieved when she agreed to have lunch with me though becuase I think it would be nice for us both to not have to eat alone for once.

"Great" I smile "Why don't you look around while we are walking and see if there is somewhere you'd like to go"

"So tell me Joe" she says wrapping both arms around my arm "does your job require the muscles or is it a personal choice?" She asks

"A bit of both a guess" I smile "it helps to be big in my line of work. My turn, out of all the things you've done as a writer what was your favourite?" I ask

"Script writing hands down" she says "you get to right lines for so many different characters it's fun"

Watching Sam's face light up as she talked about her work it was clear that she loved what she does. It was one more thing we had in common, it's strange how I have more in common with a woman that I have only know a day than I did with the woman I was married to for five years.

"I'm sorry I'm blabbering on" she says blushing slightly

"It's fine it's nice to see some one so passionate about their work" I smile

It's not long before we reach the hotel and I'm surprised to find that I'm disappointed our time is almost up. Part of me wants to ask her to sit out on the balconies with me for a while so we can talk some more but it's late and I'm sure she needs her sleep.


As we step out of the elevator onto our floor I'm a little sad that our evening has come to an end becuase I really enjoy talking to Joe, but I have lunch with him to look forward to so it's not all bad.

We stop outside our rooms and I reluctantly let go of Joe's arm and he smiles warmly at me.

"Well Sam, thank you for walking with me" he smiles "and I will see you tomorrow"

"You're welcome it was fun" I smile back "and you will definitely see me tomorrow"

"Goodnight Fiesty" he says before gently kissing my cheek making me blush.

"Goodnight Joe" I say before opening my door and entering my room.

I change into my nightwear and get into bed, I pull the covers around me and snuggle into pillow the only thing on my mind as I drift of to sleep is Joe.

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