I Can Do Better

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Trinity and I hung out for the whole night, we watched the show together and the more time I spent with her the more I liked her. Come to think about it I hadn't met a member of his family I didn't like and who didn't like me, so maybe meeting the rest wouldn't be so bad.

"So what did you think?" Trinity asks snuggling further under the duvet, at some point we had decided to just get into the bed, the room had got cold and neither of us could figure out how to turn the heat on.

"It was alright, but I'm telling you I could write a better promo than that for Joe" I chuckle "Where do they find their writers? Kids tv?"

"It was a bit tame" she chuckles "but I am curious to see what you can come up with"

"Alright pass me my laptop" I say sitting up "but this is just for fun though"

Trinity gives me some background on Joe's opponent Cena and their feud and I begin typing, it flows a lot easier than I thought and before long I have quite a lengthy promo. I turn the laptop towards Trinity and let her read.

"What do you think?" I ask and she promptly bursts into a fit of laughter

"Oh you have to let him use this" she laughs "it's genius"

"No I said it was just for fun" I say "he's not using it"

Just then the door opens and Jimmy and Jey walk in, Trinity beckons them over and shows them the promo I wrote, pretty soon they are all laughing .

"Jimmy tell her she has to let Joe use this" Trinity says nudging him

"She's right Sam" he says "This would be epic if he used it, it's brilliant"

"Is the heat broke in here or something?" Jey asks rubbing his arms

"No we just can't figure out how to work it" I say and the next thing I know the twins have squeezed themselves into the bed between me and Trinity. "Where's Joe?" I ask

"He's going over stuff with Paul" Jimmy says "He'll be here soon"

As if on cue the door opens and Joe enters he room, the second his eyes land on the four of us in the bed he stops in his tracks and raises his eyebrows at us.

"What's going on here?" he asks "Why are you three in my bed?"

"The room is cold, and we couldn't figure out how to work the heating" I say getting out of the bed and walking over to him. Joe wraps his arms around me and breathes in deeply placing a gentle kiss on my neck.

"I've missed you" he says holding me close "how has your day been?"

"It's been fine" I say "And I missed you too"

"Yo big uce, think you can get the heat working?" Jey calls out and Joe looks up at him not letting go of me

"Tell me again why you're not in your own room?" he asks

"Jimmy wanted to pick up Trin on the way back to our rooms" he says "and then she showed us this killer promo Sam wrote and we've been trying to convince her to let you use it"

Joe lets go of me and walks over to the heating control, unsurprisingly he gets it working straight away, he walks over to the bed and I notice he is looking at the floor as he does so, once he gets to the end of the bed his head snaps up to look at the twins.

"Tell me you are not in that bed with your shoes on" he says

"Uce it was freezing in here" Jimmy says "no way were we taking them off"

"Both of you out of that bed now" he says "Jimmy go get some clean sheets and Jey pass me the laptop I want to see the promo Sam wrote"

As Jimmy leaves the room Joe perches on the end of the bed and begins to read the promo, the second he starts laughing I know he's going to side with them and I won't be able to argue my way out of it.

"This is really good baby" he says smiling up at me "It's the kind of promo I need"

"I don't know Joe" I say "I wrote it as a bit of fun, it wasn't meant to be used"

Joe puts te laptop down and walks over to me, he pulls me into his arms and kisses my lips briefly "just this once" he says pecking my cheek "I promise it will be a one time thing" he says moving his kisses to my neck.

"You're not playing fair big man" I say as my eyes close

"But it's working thought isn't it sweetheart" he smirks against my neck "come on let me use it"

"Alright" I sigh "just this once"

"Thank you" Joe says looking up at me and smiling

"I got the clean sheets.......what did I miss?" Jimmy asks looking between us and his brother

"Big uce worked his magic and got her to agree to let him use the promo" Jey says grinning

As I look around at the grinning faces I find myself hoping I am not going to regret this. 

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