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"Remind me again why I have to stay here?" I ask as I watch Joe place his bags by the door, he was getting ready to head to the arena and then onto the next show without me.

"Baby we talked about this and we agreed" he says pulling me into his arms "he can't bother you here, it's just until I get rid of him and believe me I will get rid of him"

"But I don't want to be here without you" I pout and he smiles

"And I don't want to leave you but it's for the best" he says pecking my lips "I'll call you before my match"

"Alright, be careful, don't get hurt and I love you" I say holding onto him tighter

"I love you too baby" he says "I'll be back with you before you know it"

As I watch Joe leave I couldn't help but feel that this was getting a little ridiculous, I understand why Joe doesn't want Jake anywhere near me but hiding me away like this seemed a bit overboard.

Before I have chance to get really annoyed about the situation my phone rings and its a number I don't recognise.

"Sam Lewis" I say answering the call

"Miss Lewis this is Vince McMahon at WWE" the voice says

"Oh hello Mr McMahon how can I help you?" I ask

"That promo you wrote for Joe was very impressive, the missionary position line was genius" he chuckles "my writing team have struggled to write anything close to that and I would like to bring you on board"

"I don't know what Joe has told you about me but I work freelance" I explain "I make my own hours and I choose where I work from"

"How about this" he says "you maintain all the freelance benefits but you work exclusively for me"

"Let me get this straight, I can still essentially be my own boss but you are my only client?" I ask

"Exactly" he says "So are you on board?"

"Yes I am" I smile "you have yourself a deal, I look forward to working with you"

"Thank you Miss Lewis, I look forward to the next promo you come up with"  he says


I hadn't wanted to leave Sam behind but I couldn't think of any other way to keep him from getting to her. Of course there was nothing stopping her from coming here under her own steam and I wouldn't be surprised if she did.

"Erm Joe" A crew member says poking his head into the locker room "there is a guy out back says you're expecting him"

"Oh yeah I'm expecting him" I say half out loud and half under my breath.

I follow the crew member through the backstage area and to a door that leads to the rear parking lot. I thank him as he leaves me to it and I push the door open to find the jackass himself smirking at me.

"Well that was easy" he smirks and I clench my fists

"The only reason I'm here is becuase I want to knock your damn teeth down your throat so bad I can taste it" I growl "lucky for you though I can't touch you while I'm at work"

"Where's Sam?" He asks, straight to the point, at least it won't take long to get rid of him

"Not here so you are wasting your time" I say

"I know she came on the road with you asshole" he says "so tell me where she is"

"She did, but she's not with me anymore" I say hoping that will be enough to make him leave

"So what she went home?" He asks "is that what you're telling me?"

"No I'm simply telling you she's not with me" I say "but that's a great idea though, go home and stop wasting my time"

Jake POV

Joe turns on his heel and walks back into the arena probably unaware that he had just given me all the information I needed.

Turning away I take my phone out of my pocket and dial my girls number.

"Hey baby did you find her?" She asks

"Not yet, that info my guy gave us did it include an address?" I ask "I think she might be at his house"

"Let me see" she says and I hear her flip though some papers "yeah he lives right there in Pensacola"

"Excellent text me the address, I'm bringing her home" I say ending the call.


After finishing up my call with Vince I had decided to make myself some dinner whilst waiting for Joe to call so that I could tell him my news.

It took me a while to figure out how to use the high tec oven Joe has but once my meal was cooked I took it through the living room to eat while I watched telly.

I was about halfway done with eating when there was a knock at the door, I wasn't expecting anyone and Joe hadn't laid down any rules about answering the door. Putting my plate down I head over to the door and open it.

"Jake" I gasp, Joe's plan hadn't worked afterall

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