Meet & Greet

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When we arrived at the venue for the meet and greet the queue was halfway down the street and it had only gotten bigger since then. Another thing I had noticed was that the majority of the people in the queue were female, a few of whom were provocatively dressed. Rolling my eyes I close the curtains and walk back over to Joe who is sitting in a chair drinking coffee.

"Someone is very popular" I say wrapping my arms around his neck from behind and kissing his cheek

"Yeah it's just a shame I don't get to meet them all" he sighs "It just doesn't seem fair that all those people queue all day just to miss out"

"You're right it doesn't" I say "but it's out of your control and I'm sure they understand that"

"I know I just hate letting people down" he says "and those that do meet me will get a nice little bonus" he says pulling me round to sit on his lap "they get to meet you too"

"They what?" I ask my eyes widening "I thought I was staying back here"

"No I want you out there by my side" he says pecking my lips "Please" he says giving me puppy dog eyes

"Alright" I sigh "you're lucky I love you"

"I know I am, and I love you too" he smiles pecking my lips again

"Joe you're up" some one calls and we stand up and walk over to the curtain.

Joe waits for his name to be announced before walking out keeping a tight hold on my hand, the crowd of people erupts in cheers and screams as we walk over to the table and sit down. I can tell a few people are wondering who I am and I start to feel a little uncomfortable.

I take my seat beside Joe as fans begin coming up to meet him, the whole thing seems a bit like a convey belt, photo, autograph, next please. Photo, autograph next please. I am somewhat relieved that so far no on has asked about me as I want the attention to be on Joe, that's who they came to see after all.

The next person is up is a young woman, pretty and wearing a low cut top, I shake my head as I watch her lean over in front of him, I may not have been with long but I know him enough to know that is not how you get his attention.

"Hi sweetheart what's your name?" Joe asks taking the items she wants signing

"It's Shelly, I'm a huge fan" she gushes

"Well thank you, I appreciate the support" he smiles "Would you like a photo?"

"Oh yes please" she says hurrying round to stand beside him, I watch as she wraps an arm around him, as they pose for the photo her hand moves from his back to his ass and it's all I can do not grab her hand and move it. What I can't understand is why Joe is doing nothing about it.

Once the photo has been taken she walks back around the table to collect the things he signed for her and she does I notice her slide a piece of paper across the table to Joe, he takes the paper gives her one last smile and then goes to put it in his pocket. Grabbing his hand I take the paper from him before he does and just as I thought - a phone number.

Getting up from my seat I leave the table and go after the girl, I hear Joe call after me but I ignore him, first I want to deal with her, I'll deal with him later.

"Excuse me" I say catching up to her "You left this" I say holding out the piece of paper

"Did you take that from him?" she asks taking it from me "What gives you the right to do that?"

"Being his girlfriend gives me the right" I say "you've got balls I'll give you that, sliding a guy your number right  in front of his girlfriend, I get it he is gorgeous but that man is mine and it's going to take more than a pretty face and a low cut top to take him away from me"

"If that's the case then why did he take my number?" she asks smugly

"He probably didn't want embarrass you, he's a nice guy, too nice sometimes" I say "he's been nice enough to give up his time today to meet his fans, so maybe have a bit more respect for him and his private life"

"Whatever" she says shrugging her shoulders "if he was happy with you he wouldn't have taken my number, maybe you should just accept that maybe you're not what he wants anymore"

Before I have chance to respond she walks away and gets into her car, fuming I storm back into the venue and straight into the back area, I no longer have the desire to sit out there with him and quite frankly I don't want to deal with him right now. Why did he take that number? Why was he putting it in his pocket?

"There you are, I called a break so that I could look for you" Joe says walking towards me but I just hold up my hands

"Joe please don't, I can't deal with you right now" I say holding back tears "Just go back to your meet and greets"

"Baby I wasn't going to anything with that number" he says "Once I got back here I was going to throw it away, I just didn't want to embarrass the poor girl"

"Can we talk about this later" I say "I just want to be left alone right now"

"Alright but just remember that I love you" he says before heading back out to his fans

The fact that he just said the exact same thing I said to that girl should tell me I didn't need to worry, so why was I still worrying?

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