Sun, Sea and Sand

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The second the plane touched down I had been mesmerised by the beauty of this place, everything about this place was breath-taking and I was certainly glad I had come. The only down side was that the resort I was staying at was a popular honeymoon spot and queuing behind happy, newly married couples was not my idea of fun.

"Can I take your name please?" the clerk asks as I reach the desk

"The reservation is under Walker" I say and he turns to his computer and types

"Mr and Mrs Walker?" he asks with a smile and I shake my head

"Yes but Mr Walker won't be joining me" I say "Would it be possible to change it to Miss Lewis?"

"Oh I see" he says giving me a sympathetic look "Of course I will change it right away, here is your room key, I hope you manage to enjoy your holiday"

"thank you" I say taking the key, I grab my case, turn and walk straight into what feels like a brick wall"

"Woah careful there" I deep voice says followed by a slight chuckle "Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm....." As soon as I look up, words fail me completely, stood in front of me is probably the most handsome man I have ever seen, tan skin, deep brown eyes and long dark hair that falls past his shoulders. Perfect, just perfect I swear off men and I walk into an adonis. "I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going"

"No problem as long as you're ok" he smiles, jeez this man doesn't have one single flaw.

I give him a quick smile and walk around him heading for the elevator, as handsome as that guy was I am not about to let my head get turned, not today satan, not ever, you and your minions will never get your claws in me again.


As I watch the woman rush away towards the elevators two things stuck with me, one she was beautiful but two she looked so unhappy, even the smile she gave me seemed forced. I couldn't understand how anybody could be unhappy in a place like this, even I had managed to break a smile when I got here.

"Can I take your name please?" The clerk asks

"Anoa'i, Joe Anoa'i" I say tucking my shades into my t shirt

"Ok here is your room key, I see you requested a suite, the only one available is next to the honeymoon suite will that be ok?" he asks

"Sure that will be fine" I say through gritted teeth, great now I can listen to a happy couple go at it like rabbits, perfect. "thank you"

I take the key and grab my case before heading for the stairs, sure the elevator would be quicker but this way I get a bit of exercise. It doesn't take long for me to reach my floor and I head down the corridor to my suite, I get there just in time to see the woman who walked into me moments ago go into the room next to mine. How can she possibly be that unhappy if she is on her honeymoon?


You have got to be kidding me? he's on the same floor? Why is the universe torturing me right now? If he's on this floor he must have a wife or a girlfriend at least and the last thing I want his to hear them going at it all night long.

The man catches me looking at him and I look away quickly unlocking my door and rushing inside my room. Closing the door I lean against it and sigh, maybe I shouldn't have come here, what was I thinking coming here alone?

For the first time since I got here I turn on my phone only for it to go mad with text notifications for Jake and Liv, I quickly delete them all not even reading them. Just as I am about to put my phone down it rings, Jake, can today possibly get any worse?

"What now Jake?" I ask "Why can't you leave me alone?"

"I made a mistake Sam" he says "I never should have slept with Liv, please give me another chance, I can fly out to Hawaii and we can work things out"

"No Jake, you slept with my best friend the day before our wedding I can't forgive that" I snap "You and me are done, no going back, no second chances, so please just leave me alone"

"You know it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't got so absorbed in your work and stopped paying attention to me" he snaps back "I always came second to your writing"

True as a freelance writer I was always busy, I had a constant stream of work and on top of that I had been working on a novel, I had always tried my best to make time for me and Jake and he had never once complained.

"Don't you dare turn this around on me" I shout "I always made time for you, don't you dare blame me for your wondering eye, you made your bed now you lie in it and too bad if it's not comfortable" I shout ending the call but the second I do he calls back.

Unable to take anymore shit from him and just wanting him to leave me alone I storm out the balcony and raise my arm with the soul intention of launching my phone as far away from me as I can.

"I wouldn't do that, you might need it" A deep voice says from the balcony next to me making me stop and lower my arm.

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