This Is Goodbye?

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Joe and I spent the rest of the holiday eating out together for lunch and dinner. Breakfast was spent on our respective balconies and we would chat while we ate.

At some point we had progressed from linking arms to holding hands which I really didn't mind and every evening ending with a kiss on the cheek from Joe.

As I finish packing my stuff into my case I knew I had begun to feel something for Joe, something about him made me want to let him in but there was still that fear that he would hurt me. We had agreed to share a cab to the airport, whether it was just to save money or to have that last bit of time together I didn't know.

Wheeling my case out of the room I close the door behind me and turn to find Joe standing there smiling at me.

"You have everything?" He asks

"Yeah all packed" I sigh, I was going to miss him and I really wished circumstances had been different.

"Let me take that" he says grabbing my case "cabs waiting downstairs"

I follow Joe out of the hotel and get in the back of the cab while he puts the cases in the trunk, he gets in beside me and to my suprise he takes my hand in his and begins to play with my fingers.

"You ok big man?" I ask and he looks at me, he almost looks sad.

"Yeah I'm just sad the holiday is over" he sighs "I've had the best time and I'm not ready for it to end"

"Yeah me too" I smile "but all good things have to come to an end"


As I continue to play with Sam's fingers I knew she was right but I didn't want this to be over, I wanted more time with her, I wanted to keep seeing her. But here we were heading to the airport to take flights to separate states and we were going to have to say goodbye.

When we get to the airport we check in our luggage and then go through to the departure lounge, we sit and talk for a while before they begin calling my flight.

"Well that's me" I sigh standing up "so I guess this is goodbye fiesty"

"Well goodbye big man" she says wrapping her arms around my neck, I hug her back holding her close not willing to let go, after a moment we move back from each other but I keep hold of her and she rests her hands on my shoulders. I reach up and tuck her hair behind her ear before running my thumb along her cheek.

Unable to fight it any longer I lean in and press my lips against hers, she tenses at first but then kisses me back, breaking the kiss I rest my head against hers.

"I have to go" I sigh "but can I see you again?" I ask

"I'd like that" she smiles, I peck her lips once more before heading towards my flight.


As I watch Joe walk away I can't keep the smile from my face and I find myself biting my lip. But then it hits me, we never exchanged numbers and we have no way of contacting each other.

"Joe!" I call out but he doesn't hear me, I rush after him calling his name a couple more times but before I get to him he goes through his gate and onto his flight.

And that's it he's gone and I'm not going to see him again. If I had known our first kiss would also be our last I would have made it last a bit longer.


Taking my seat on the plane I smile to myself, I was going to see her again and she kissed me back, I couldn't be happier and I was excited to see where this would go with us.

Taking out my phone I decide to send her a quick text before take off and then I realise I didn't get her number or give her mine. Undoing my belt I stand up only to be stopped by a stewardess.

"Sir you need to take your seat" she says blocking my path

"You don't understand I need to get off this plane" I say "I forgot to do something and it's important"

"I'm sorry sir but the doors closed and we are getting ready for take off" she says "please take your seat and fasten your belt"

As I sink back into my seat I watch as the plane moves away from the airport, I have to see Sam again I can't just let her go, I don't know how I'm going to find her but I will.

All I had was her first name and the state she was flying to, not much to go on but I had to try I refuse to believe that this was goodbye.

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