A Sweet Gesture

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Once again I had woken early and left Joe sleeping, but this time it was so I could get an early start on some of the work I needed to do, my plan was to get as much work done as I could today so that I would be free to spend the rest of the time he was here with him.

I had pulled on some leggings and Joe's hoodie and tied my hair up in messy bun. Sitting down in front of my laptop with a cup of coffee I put on my glasses and begin working on the first article I needed to finish.

I had got about half way when a pair of arms wrap around me and a beard tickles my cheek, I lean back against him slightly as I continue to type.

"Am I going to wake up to an empty bed every morning?" he asks kissing my cheek

"Last time I promise" I say closing my eyes at the feel of his lips on my skin

"Good, what are you doing?" he asks resting his chin on my shoulder

"Work" I sigh "I want to get as much done as I can so that I'll free to be with you the rest of the week"

"Have you eaten?" he asks placing his hand flat on my stomach right as it rumbles "That's a no" he chuckles "I'll make us some breakfast and then I'll head to the gym let you work in peace"

Joe makes us breakfast and I eat while I work, when he comes back he's dressed and he has his gym bag in his hand, he walks over and turns my chair to face him.

"I'll see you later, don't work yourself to death" he says pecking my lips and then smiles "I love you in these glasses, you look like a really hot nerd" he smirks

"Well thank you...I think" I chuckle "Now get your sexy ass the gym" I say giving him one last kiss

"Alright, I love you" he says heading for the door

"I love you too" I smile before turning back to my work

A few hours later


After finishing at the gym I had a idea and swung by the store on the way back to Sam's house, since she hadn't made herself breakfast it was safe to assume she had probably missed lunch and hadn't even thought about dinner.

I had grabbed everything for the special surprise dinner I was going to make and once I pulled up outside the house I grabbed my gym bag and the shopping from the backseat of the car.

"Baby I'm home" I call out as I walk through the door, I know this isn't my home but to me home was wherever Sam was.

"Hey, how was the gym?" she asks looking up at me smiling

"It was good, I'm a little sore but it's worth it" I say giving her a quick kiss "I'm going to make us dinner tonight" I say holding up the bag "I'll let you know when it's ready"

"You're my guest I should be doing the cooking" she says

"I want to and you've been working all day" I smile "you do what you need to do and leave the cooking to me"


By the time Joe got home I had managed to do a weeks worth of work, I just had three more articles to do and I would be finished. I was tired and hungry but it would be worth it getting to spend all that time with Joe.

As yet I hadn't made a decision about traveling with him, I was still thinking about it and just on the off chance I decided not to go I wanted to make the most of him while I had him.

"Baby dinners ready" he calls through "Be right there" I call back taking off my glasses and rubbing my eyes.

I head through to the dining room and find Joe waiting for me, the food is on the table along with candles and wine, as I take a seat I look down at my plate and my mouth falls open.

"Is this what I think it is?" I ask looking up at him

"Yep" he smiles "The first meal we had together in Hawaii"

"Joe this is amazing thank you" I smile "Although I don't recall candles at that meal" I chuckle

"This is how it should have been" he says taking my hand "That meal should have been a date"

"I think it kind of was in a way" I smile taking a mouthful of food "oh my god, Joe this is better than that meal"

"Thanks" he says blushing slightly "I like to cook"

We eat the meal and reminisce about the holiday and Joe promises me that he is going to take me back there one day. Once we have finished Joe clears the table and I head back to finish my work.

"I'm going to head to bed" he says kissing my cheek

"I won't be long" I smile up at him


Turning over in the bed I reach out for Sam but she isn't there, I open my eyes and her side of the bed is empty and the sheets are cold. I appreciate that she wants to free up her time for me but this is getting silly, I don't care if she's finished or not she is coming to bed, she needs sleep.

I get out of bed and walk through to where she is working, I find her with her arms on the desk and her head resting on top of them fast asleep. I gently remove her glasses and put them down on her desk, I lift her up in my arms and she snuggles into my neck.

I carry her through to the bedroom laying her down gently before pulling the covers over her and sliding in beside her, she turns and snuggles into my side wrapping her arm over my stomach. I kiss the top of her head softly "Good night beautiful" I whisper before turning off the light and closing my eyes.

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