Happily Ever After

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"I don't understand why you're so against it, I think it's a great idea" Joe says shaking his head as he takes a seat at the breakfast bar.

For the last three days he had been trying to convince me to let him film our daughter being born and I wasn't budging. He may think it's a great idea but he won't be the one with a camera between his legs.

"I've told you, that area of my body is for your eyes only it is not something that needs to seen in 4k" I sigh as a rub my stomach trying to ignore the discomfort I'm feeling.

Our baby girl was due anyday now and I had been getting cramps since last night, at first I had thought that it was something I had eaten but now I wasn't so sure becuase they were getting stronger. As another pain rips through me this time it's accompanied by the feeling of something running down my legs.

Looking down at the floor I see puddle forming around my feet and my head snaps up to look at my husband.

"Um Joe I think she's coming?" I say and he stares at me his spoon halfway to his mouth before he let's go of it completely.

"Oh shit, are you sure?" He asks staring at me

"No I just decided to stand in the kitchen and piss myself" I snap "of course I'm sure, my water just broke"

"Ok alright let's get you to the hospital" he says rushing to my side "sorry for the stupid question"

"No I'm sorry" I say trying to breath through the pain "I shouldn't have snapped like that"

"You're in pain, it's allowed" he says "right now you can call me all the names under the sun and I will still love you"

Joe helps me into the car and we head off to the hospital, me get there in record time and I'm pretty sure Joe broke a few speed limits to get us here.

I  taken straight through to a delivery suite where I am made comfortable while we wait for the doctor to come and examine me.

"Joe I feel like I need to push" I pant as he gently strokes my hair

"Hold on baby the doctor will be here soon" he says

"I know but I've done this before and I'm telling you I need to push" I say gripping his hand

Before Joe has chance to say anything the doctor enters the room and goes straight to the end of the bed.

"Doc thank god, my wife says she needs to push" Joe says

"Alright let's see where we are" he says lifting the covers "your wife is right, ok Mrs Anoa'i push when you are ready"

Gripping Joe's hand I push with everything I have in me before falling back on the bed, Joe places a gentle kiss on my forehead and smiles at me.

"Good, the head is out" the doctor says "I need another big push to free the shoulders"

"Come on baby you can do this" Joe says moving my hair out of my face "your doing so good"

Once I again I push as hard as I can and fall back exhausted, I look up to see Joe smiling down at me with so much love in his eyes and I try my best to smile back at him.

"Our little princess is almost here" he says "I'm so proud of you fiesty, I love you"

"I love you too big man" I smile

"Ok one last big push and your baby will be here" the doctor says

Summoning up all the energy I have left I push one last time and the room fills with our daughters cries, the nurses take her to clean her up before placing her on my chest.

"She's perfect" Joe says with a teary eyed smile as he gently strokes her head "thank you baby"

"I can't believe she's ours" I smile "she's beautiful"

"Just like her mother" he says kissing my forehead "Welcome to the world Everleigh Hannah Anoa'i" he says before nervously looking at me

"Everleigh" I smile "I love it, when did you come up with it?" I ask

"Well I was thinking about names and I got to thinking about us and how we met" he says "when I went to hawaii it was to get away, to be alone, I never expected to meet you. You changed my world and I didn't just find the love of my life with you I found my happily ever after and our baby girl is a part of that so it seemed like a perfect fit"

"Joe that's beautiful and you're right it is perfect" I smile

I honestly believe that Joe and I were meant to find each other on that holiday, and I was glad we did. In Joe I had found true love, my best friend and my future. But most importantly with the arrival of baby Everleigh we had both found our happy ever after.

A/n another story completed, I loved writing this one. Thank you for all the reads votes and comments on this story.

I am not done with Roman yet, keep an eye out for another Roman story coming soon ❤❤

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