Make It Real

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Writing for the WWE kept me busier than I had ever been and while I wasn't complaining not having as much time for me and Joe wasn't easy to get used to. Both of us being busy made quality time difficult but we always made the best of a bad situation.

My pregnancy so far had been smooth sailing and in less than I week we were going to find out what we were having. I had just dropped off some scripts for approval and was heading to Joe's locker room when I heard hi voice in a near by room.

Joe was seeing the make a wish children today, standing out of sight so as not to disturb I couldn't help but smile as I watched him with them. Every single little face in that room was lit up with a big smile all because their hero was hanging out with them.

As I run my hand over my bump I could help but imagine what he would be like with our child, the big smile on his face told me he was having just as much fun as they were and I honestly think this is one of the parts of his job he enjoys the most.

"He's amazing with them isn't he?" a voice says from beside me and I turn to look at the source "I'm Susan from make a wish" she smiles

"Oh hi, I'm Sam, I'm a writer" I smile back "Yeah he's amazing with them"

"How far along are you?" she asks looking at my bump

"I'm 19 weeks" I smile "one more week to go and we'll know what we're having"

"I bet you're excited" she smiles "you know Joe was telling me about his wife, she's at the same stage as you" and I can't help but chuckle "What?" she asks

"That would be me" I smile "Although he has got a little ahead of himself, we're not married yet"

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I had no idea" she says

"It's fine honestly" I smile "but did he really call me his wife?"

"oh yes a few times actually" she says "and he has that ring on his finger so I didn't think anything of it"

"Oh that" I laugh "Yeah this isn't the first time he's called me his wife, he did it in an interview once and rather than correct himself he just started wearing a ring on his finger"

"Well take it from me, the second he starts talking about you it's clear how much he loves you" she smiles "you're a very lucky woman, I need to get back to the kids but it was nice meeting you"

"Yeah you too" I smile "and thank you"

I turn my attention back to Joe and my gaze falls on the black silicone ring on his finger, I loved that he wanted people to see me as his wife but it also felt a little bit like living a lie because it wasn't true, at least not yet anyway.

Leaving the doorway I continue on my way to Joe's locker room, when I get there I find the twins and Paul deep in conversation.

"Hey guys" I say taking a seat on the couch

"Sam how are you today?" Paul asks with smile

"I'm good thank you Paul" I say "Tell me what is Joe's schedule like between now and the show tonight?" I ask

"Well after the make a wish session he has a video interview and then he is free" he says "so if you need him he's all yours"

"Great" I smile "I'm going to need you too guys" I say looking at the twins who are both giving me confused looks


Spending time with the make a wish kids was always a highlight for me, it always felt good to put a bright spot in their days. It also made me think about our baby and how excited I was to finally meet the little person we had created.

As I walk to my locker room I play with the silicone band on my ring finger, it had become a permanent fixture since Id' called Sam my wife in an interview, truth be told it wasn't an accident, I said it because calling her my wife felt right to me.

When I walk in the room I find the twins looking at me with big goofy smiles and Sam sitting on the couch next to Paul.

"What are you two smiling at?" I ask and they turn their gaze to Sam "Baby what's going on?" I ask

"I've been doing some thinking" she says standing up and walking over to me, she takes my hand in hers and starts to play with the ring "you see this Joe, I want to make this real"

"Me too baby and it will be soon" I say kissing her forehead "How's baby doing?"

"Baby is doing fine" she smiles "But Joe I don't think you understand what I'm saying"

"What don't I understand?" I ask "what's wrong baby?"

"Nothings wrong" she says "Joe let's get married today, we're in Vegas and you're free after your interview so why not?"

"What about the wedding we've been planning?" I ask

"We can still do that" she says "but for right now, when you call me your wife I want it to be true"

"If your absolutely sure about this then lets do it" I smile

"I'm 100% sure" she smiles "I love you Joe"

"I love you too Sam" I smile "let's make you an Anoa'i"

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