Til Death Us Do Part

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Moments after Joe's interview finished we found ourselves at the first little wedding chapel we found, just the two of us and the twins.
After waiting a little impatiently for our turn we were taken into the main room to be married by Elvis of course, it was Vegas after all.

Taking my hand in his Joe stops and turns to me "are you still sure you want to do this?" He asks "we can leave if you want?"

"I'm sure" I smile back "I'm ready to be your wife big man"

We walk to the end of the aisle together the twins a few steps behind, nobody knew this was happening except Paul and he had stayed behind at the arena to make excuses for why we weren't there.

Following Elvis' instructions Joe faces me and taking my hands in his repeats the words he says.

"I, Leati Joseph Anoa'i, take you, Samantha Joy Lewis, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

Smiling I give Joe's hands a gentle squeeze before repeating the words myself and under the watchful gaze of the twins and Elvis we exchange rings.

"By the powers vested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife" he says "you may kiss your bride".

Joe steps forward taking my face in his hands before pressing his lips gently against mine, it was finally real I was his wife and we had sealed it with a kiss.

"I love you so much Mrs Anoa'i" he smiles resting his head against mine "you and baby Anoa'i"

"We love you too" I smile "are you happy?" I ask

"I am the happiest man alive right now" he says "you have given me everything I have ever wanted"

"Congratulations guys" Jey says giving us both a hug

"You were already an Anoa'i but now it's official" Jimmy smiles "welcome to the family Sam"

"Thanks guys" I smile "and thank you for being here with us"

"So uce how you planning on telling aunt Patricia?" Jey asks "you know she gonna kill you right?"

"I know" Joe chuckles "I'll tell her the truth, I couldn't wait a moment longer to make this beautiful woman my wife, the fact that the big wedding is still going to happen should make her less angry"

"That reminds me" I smile "I spoke to your mum this morning, she wants us to do the whole gender reveal party thing, so you're going to have to wait a little longer to find out"

"Seriously?" Joe whines "baby I don't want to wait any longer, it's been long enough"

"Well then you try and talk your mum out of it" I chuckle "I'm sure when you tell her we got married without her that she will be more than willing to give up the idea"

"Good luck with that" Jimmy laughs


When my new wife and I get back to the arena we are greeted by Paul who is pacing around my locker room. When he sees us a look of relief washes over him.

"Thank god" he says "I did my best but I think people are suspicious"

"Let them be" I smile pulling Sam into my side "they will get to share the big wedding, this for for us"

"Congratulations to both of you" he smiles "I couldn't be happier for you both honestly"

"Thank you Paul" Sam says giving him a hug "well I need to get back to work, but I think I'll grab a snack on the way, little miss is hungry"

Hearing her words I find myself staring at her "what?" She asks

"Baby do you know something I don't?" I ask and she laughs

"No don't worry" she smiles "I'm just convinced we are having a girl that's all"

"Is that so?" I smile "Well we are going to have to agree to disagree becuase I'm telling you it's a boy"

"Or twins, one of each" Jey pipes up.

"Nope there is definitely only one baby" Sam smiles "and it's a girl, see you later big man" she says before leaving the room.

"Man I am talking my mum out that party if it's the last thing I do" I grumble "I'm not waiting any longer to find out I'm right"

"Good luck with aunt patricia" Jey smiles "we are going to go get ready"

As the twins leave I slump down on the couch and Paul takes a seat next to me.

"So you have a promo at the start of the show and then a match later" he says

"I can talk her out of this right Paul?" I ask and he looks at me like he doesn't know what to say

"In my experience Joe it's not easy to change your mother's mind" he says "but as her son maybe you could do it, just don't get your hopes up"

I know he's right all I can do is give it my best shot, but no matter how long I have to wait, I know I'm right, we are having a boy.

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