Sun, Sea and Sand Pt 2

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I had no idea what mean me decide to try and stop her throwing her phone, I mean whatever was going on had nothing to do with me but I knew if she did it she would regret it and I would see her later on trying to find it.

I watch as she stops and lowers her arm before turning to look at me, her face is expressionless, unreadable, so I had no idea if she was about to thank me or shout at me. She looks down at her phone and then looks back at me.

"It's crazy, there was a time when we could manage perfectly well without these" she says chuckling softly "I wish we could go back to that time"

"I'm with you on that" I smile "smart phones and social media are the two worst inventions known to man"

"Exactly" she says smiling for the first time "all of a sudden everyone needs to know what you are eating and the people you wish would leave you alone can bother you to their hearts content"

"look it's none of my business and I'm not going to pry but why don't you block their number" I suggest

"You know I think I will" she says holding her hand out across the gap between our balcony's "I'm Sam by the way"

"Joe" I say reaching out and shaking her hand "Nice to meet you Sam"

"You too Joe" she smiles "and thank you for stopping me"

"You're welcome" I say "didn't want to see you down there later on routing through the bushes trying to find it" I smile and she laughs

Just then my phone rings and my ex wife's name comes on the screen, sighing I look over at Sam and give her a small smile.

"Sorry I have to take this" I sigh

"Of course" she smiles "no problem"


 I watch as Joe puts his phone to his ear and walks back into his room, something tells me that was a call he didn't want to take. But just like he wasn't going to pry with me I wasn't going to pry with him.

There was no denying that Joe was a nice guy, he was friendly and he had beautiful warm smile and under different circumstances I would be flirting outrageously but the last thing I need right now is another man.

It's not long before Joe comes back out on to the balcony, he has a face like thunder and it's obvious that he is pissed. He walks over to the railing and then looks down at the phone in his hand.

"You know with your muscles you could probably just crush it" I joke "no need to throw it" I say and his face softens and he laughs a little

"I know we've only just met, but how would you like to make a deal with me?" he asks and I raise an eyebrow

"What kind of deal?" I ask and he smiles

"We both turn off our phones for the duration of our vacations" he says "no looking at them until we get home, we just enjoy ourselves and forget about why we came here"

"You've got yourself a deal Joe" I smile "but what happens if we cave?"

"Then I will personally throw your phone of this balcony" he laughs "and vice versa"

"One question though?" I say quickly "I can still use my laptop right? It's for work purposes"

"You're working on vacation?" he asks raising his eyebrows

"Not exactly" I shrug "It's more a private project but I'd like to work on it while I'm here"

"Alright laptops are allowed" he smiles "What do you do if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm a writer" I say "I've dabbled in pretty much everything, new articles, magazine articles, script writing, short stories, you name it I've done it. What about you? What do you do?"

"I'm in the sports industry" he says "It's very busy work, I don't get a lot of time to myself"

"Yeah same here, but I like being busy" I say

"Oh me too" he says "nothing worse then having nothing to do"

The more I talked to Joe the more I liked him and the more worried I became that I would do something I would regret by the end of this holiday. I couldn't deny that it was nice to have someone to talk to and Joe seemed happy to listen.

But who am I kidding Joe would probably never looks twice at a woman like me, he probably only dates extremely beautiful women and models, not plain unremarkable writers like me, not that it matters because I wouldn't be interested anyway.

"You ok feisty? You suddenly went quiet?" Joe asks

"Feisty?"  I ask looking confused

"Well after that verbal ass whooping you dished out it seemed like an appropriate name" he chuckled

"Oh" I gasp feeling absolutely mortified, I hadn't realised I had been shouting that loud "Oh god I'm sorry"

"Hey don't worry, I didn't hear what you said just that you were shouting" he said "don't apologise, I'm sure whoever it was deserved it"

"well it won't be happening again" I say grabbing my phone and turning it off  "deal starts now"

"Absolutely" he says turning his phone off as well "time to enjoy ourselves"

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