Doesn't Make Sense

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I had managed to get through my match without botching anything or injuring anyone but my focus wasn't completely there. I just couldn't understand what had happened, going by what the twins said he's convinced her that not only am I still married but there are other women.

It just didn't make sense to me that she would believe that bullshit, she knows me, she loves me, she wouldn't believe him she just wouldn't.

Just then my phone rings shaking me from my thoughts but it's not the twins it's Hannah.

"Hey Hannah, how are you?" I ask

"I'm good but I'm hoping you can explain to me why my best friend is on a plane home with the son of satan?" She says

"She..she left me" I sigh "he found my house and he convinced her that I'm still married and that she is one of many woman, he had print outs of text conversations, I don't know where from becuase they sure as shit ain't from my phone, I swear Hannah none of it is true"

"I know it's not Joe" she says "I told you before I trust you, what I don't understand is why she's fallen for it"

"That's the part that doesn't make sense" I say "she's seen my divorce papers so it's possible she doesn't believe that bit but as for the rest, I have no idea, we are together all the time, I wouldn't have time to see anyone else, not that I want to, she is all I want"

"I know it's not easy but try not to worry" she says "when she gets home I'll talk to her, try to find out what's going on and I'll let you know"

"Thanks Hannah and when you see her please remind her that I love her" I sigh "she's it for me I can't lose her"

"You won't lose her Joe" she says "I'll make damn sure of it"


By the time I had got home I was exhausted, Jake left me to it and said he would come and see me in the morning. We had talked for the entire plane journey and he had even asked me to consider marrying him like we were supposed to.

I had agreed to think about it but as this point I wasn't sure, I wasn't even sure I really wanted Jake, when I thought about marriage all I could see was Joe and it hurt like hell, I knew Jake had lied about him still being married but the other women that was what made me leave, I didn't want to be his bit on the side not when he meant so much more than that to me.

"Sam what the hell is going on?" Hannah asks storming into the house "Joe is heartbroken, and you've come home with Jake of all people, what the fuck are you doing?"

"Joe's been seeing other women" I say "I didn't mean anything to him and I loved him so much, I thought I had finally found a good man" I sob and she rushes over and hugs me

"You don't really believe that surely" she says rubbing my back "Joe is a good man, he loves you, you can't really believe there is anyone else"

"I say the text conversations" I say "that was proof enough"

"Sam I need you to promise me that you won't go back to Jake" she says "you know why he wants you back, don't let him get what he wants"

"I'm not sure what I'm doing yet" I say "but I'm going to ask you to trust me"

"Trust you?" She asks looking at me "what do you mean?"

"Just that, trust me" I say


I had been waiting what seemed like forever for Hannah to call me and I was going out of my mind by the time the phone rang.

"Hannah, have you seen her? How is she?" I ask

"Heartbroken" she says "she believes that there are other women, but somethings not right, somethings off"

"The next time I see that asshole I'm breaking his face, no holding back this time" I growl "what do you mean something is off?" I ask

"I asked her to promise me that she wouldn't go back to him" she says "and she asked me to trust her, she didn't promise anything, she just wanted me to trust her"

She was right something was definitely off about this, why would she need Hannah to trust her?

"Keep me updated on what's happening" I say "I'm going to find a way to prove those messages are fake and then I'm coming to missouri to get my girl back"

"I will, I don't know what she's planning but I have a feeling you need to get that proof fast" she says "I'll speak to you soon"

"Tell us what we can do to help uce?" Jey says as I put down my phone "you two belong together and we want to help"

"I'm sure yet, just give me a couple of days and we'll make a plan" I say "I have a feeling I may have to do something drastic"

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