Living Arrangements

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Opening my eyes and being greeted with the sight of Joe sleeping peacefully beside me brought the biggest smile to my face, part of my had been afraid to go to sleep last night as I was worried that I would wake up and find that it was a dream and he wasn't really here.

Joe is laid facing me with his hand resting on my hip, I place my hand on top of his and gently run my hand up his muscular arm and down his chest, I didn't want to wake him I just had this need to know that he was real. I place a gentle kiss on his cheek before moving out of the bed, I don't get far before an arm snakes around me and gently pulls me back against him.

"Stay with me" he says nuzzling into me "I just want to hold you a little longer"

"You held me all night" I chuckle "you have to let me go sometime big man"

"I will just not yet" he says "I know it's been less then a week but these arms have been aching to hold you and they're not satisfied yet"

"Are you trying to tell me you missed me?" I ask turning to face him

"More than you could ever know" he says "so forgive me if I want to be selfish and keep you to myself"

"I missed you too and I would love nothing more than to stay like this with you all day" I smile "but we have guests"

"Alright" he groans finally opening his eyes "but there is something we need to talk about first"

"Oh and what's that?" I ask even though I know where this is going

"Living arrangements" he says sitting up slightly "Obviously I would like you to come and live with me but I want to know how you would feel about that?"

"I...I don't know if I can leave Hannah and Tyler" I say and he nods before taking my hands in his

"Don't look at it as leaving them" he says "I would never ask you to do that or take you away from them, you will be able to come and see them whenever you want and they can come and visit us, your not leaving them you just won't see them as much"

"Well I don't always have to be on the road, I could work from here sometimes" I say thinking about it "I could keep this house and work here and spend time with them"

"Since when does your work take you on the road?" he asks looking confused

"Oh I never got chance to tell you" I smile "but since WWE became my only client, Vince made me an offer and I accepted it, seems he liked your promo"

"Baby that's great" he smiles "now I don't have to leave you all the time, and I won't miss out on much with the baby........wait were you just saying yes to living with me?" he asks

"Yes I was" I smile "on one condition"

"Name it, whatever you want it's yours" he says

"When Tyler visits we take him to Disneyland" I smile and he smiles back at me

"Deal, I love you feisty" he says pecking my lips

"I love you to big man" I say "but now you really are going to have to let go I need to pee"

Joe chuckles as he releases me from his grip, I get out of the bed and pull on some shorts and Joe's shirt before heading to the bathroom. On my way back to the bedroom a delicious smell fills my nose and I head to the kitchen instead.

When I walk in the room I find the twins making breakfast and I can't help but smile

"what's all this?" I ask and they turn and smile at me

"Lease we could do since you let us stay" Jey smiles

"Take a seat I'll make you a plate" Jimmy says pulling out a chair for me

"Thankyou" I smile "but you know he's not going to be happy about me not going back to him" I chuckle

"He'll live" Jimmy chuckles as he places a plate of food in front of me and I dig right in

"mmm this is so good" I say not caring that my mouth is full "thanks guys"

I continue to enjoy my breakfast and it's not long before Joe joins us with a pout on his face and I know exactly what's coming.

"Baby why didn't you come back to bed?" he asks and the twins start laughing "What's so funny?" he asks

"Oh nothing cuz" Jey chuckles "You want some breakfast?"

"Yeah sure" he says sitting beside me "So you chose food over me" he chuckles

"Sorry I couldn't resist" I smile "I was coming back I swear"

"She's gotta eat uce, she's carrying your baby" Jimmy says "take it from me you got to keep a pregnant woman fed"

"he's right" Jey says "hormones plus hangry not a good combo"

"is that true baby?" Joe asks turning to me and I give him a small smile

"Unfortunately yes" I chuckle "when I was carrying Tyler I stopped talking to Hannah for two days because she took the last donut"

"Damn, anything else you need to warn me about?" he asks

"Not that I can think of but each pregnancy is different" I shrug "What happened in my first may not happen with this one, so we'll take each day as it comes and see what happens"

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