What To Expect

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After a long and much needed nap I joined Joe outside on the porch bench, as I sit beside him he gives me a warm smile before turning back to his phone screen. I place a couple of cushions behind me before lifting my legs and placing my feet in Joe's lap.

With his free hand he begins gently rubbing one of my feet all the while keeping his eyes on his phone screen, a look of absolute concentration on his face.

"What's got you so engrossed big man?" I ask and he chuckles lightly.

"I'm just reading" he smiles "I downloaded an e book on pregnancy, I want to be able to help you at all times"

"That's sweet but you don't need a book to be able to help me" I say smiling back at him

"It's actually really interesting" he smiles "how far along are you baby? You never mentioned it" he asks placing his hand on my stomach

"According to the test 8 weeks" I say placing my hand on his

"According to this their legs are getting longer, but the knees, ankles, thighs and toes aren't developed yet" he says looking at his phone "and your womb is the size of a lemon"

"Hmm and by the time I'm full term it will be the size of a watermelon" I say and his eyes widen.

"Really? How does your perfectly tiny body have room for that?" He asks

"Oh things stretch, other things get squashed up" I chuckle "but it's all worth it in the end"

Joe shifts himself and leans down and presses a gentle kiss to my lips and gives me a sweet smile.

"Your body is amazing in more ways then one" he says pecking my lips once more before sitting up and turning back to his phone "ooh says here that your breasts may be might feel sore, now that I can help with" he says wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Don't count your chickens just yet, if it's anything like last time you will be lucky if you get near them" I chuckle "and it's that kind of behavior that got me pregnant" I say playfully swatting him.

"Well now I don't recall you complaining fiesty" he smirks " how did it go? Oh yeah make love to me Joe" he says trying to do my voice

"Well maybe if you weren't so damn hard to resist" I laugh

"Maybe I'm so hard to resist becuase your so in love with me" he says leaning over me once more and capturing my lips with his.

We stay like that for moment both of us enjoying the kiss, I run my hands up his body until they cup his face as I deepen the kiss slightly, Joe moves his lips to my neck and gently nips at the skin "I love you" he whispers against my skin "I love you too" I whisper back closing my eyes.

"Well I guess you two worked things out?" I voice calls out and when I open my eyes I see the twins walking up to us.

"What part of wait for me to call didn't you two get?" Joe asks sitting up

"Sorry uce we got bored" Jey says "and you're not the only one whose missed Sam"

"I've missed you too guys" I say sitting up "just ignore him"

"Excuse me?" Joe says looking at me "I know you didn't just tell them to ignore me"

"I did" I laugh "you can have me all to yourself later, you need to learn to share me big man"

"That's different" he pouts and I can't help but laugh more

"What did we miss?" Jimmy asks looking confused

"Yeah why is he going to have to share you?" Jey asks as he takes a seat beside me and Jimmy sits on the steps.

"Well in about seven months he won't be the only one wanting my attention" I smile

"No way! A baby!" Jimmy gasps beaming "that's amazing congratulations big uce"

"Yeah congratulations man and you too Sam" Jey says giving me a side hug

"And the baby won't be the only new Anoa'i" Joe says smiling lovingly at me

"Now the pouting makes sense" Jimmy laughs "ya'll were about to celebrate right here on the porch weren't you"

"No offence big uce but that is not the way to introduce yourself to the neighbours" Jey says and I can no longer control my laughter

"Yeah yeah laugh it up" Joe chuckles "but fyi we would have moved it inside if you two hadn't got bored"

"Ok let's get off that topic shall we" I chuckle "how about we order some takeout and we all hang out tonight? Guys you can crash in the spare room if you like"

"Now wait just a damn minute" Joe says "you said I could have you to myself later" he says pouting once again

"And you will, it's not like they will be sharing a room with us" I say cupping his cheek "now come on turn that pout into that beautiful smile I love so much"

Just like that Joe's face lights up with that beautiful bright smile of his, he pecks me softly on the lips and then helps me to stand.

"Alright let's get the food ordered" he smiles "I'm starving"

"Just one thing though uce" Jimmy says stopping him

"Yeah whats that?" Joe asks eyeing him suspiciously

"Make sure you keep it down when ya'll do the nasty later" he laughs ducking as Joe tries to smack him upside the head.

Something tells me this evening is going to be anything but boring.

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