Not Asking

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I wake up finding my face pressed against Joe's bare chest and his arm around me, I have no recollection of coming to bed so I can only assume he brought me in here. It doesn't take long for to notice that I still fully dressed compared to Joe who is in nothing but a pair of tight boxers.

Realising that I hadn't finished what I had been working on I try to move myself out of the bed but Joe's arm tightens around me and pulls me back to him.

"Do. Not. Move." he says in a low gravely voice not opening his eyes "You promised"

"I know baby but I need to finish that article" I say with a smile

"Your free lance, you set your own hours right?" he asks still not opening his eyes

"Yeah that's right" I chuckle at his attempt to pretend he wasn't awake

"Then start late today" he says and I smile as I snuggle back into him

"Alright you win" I laugh and he turns pulling me closer to him

"Damn straight I win" he says "Now go back to sleep"

"Joe?" I ask looking up at him "Why am I in bed fully dressed?"

"You were asleep when I brought you in here, I didn't want you to wake up and think I was taking advantage" he says "now please go back to sleep"

"Alright" I smile "But just so you know I would never think that of you"

I snuggle into Joe resting my head back against his chest and listen to his heart beat as I close my eyes, I begin to slowly drift off when there is a loud knock at my front door followed by shouting.


I go to move but once again Joe tightens his grip on me before kissing the top of my head

"Let the asshole keep knocking" he says "If we're lucky he'll break his hand"

"Joe he'll wake up the neighbours" I say getting a loud groan in response

"Fine stay here I'll get rid of him" he says walking towards the door

"Joe? Pants?" I laugh as he steps into the hallway

"Don't need them to kick his ass" he says leaving the room


I was warm, I was comfortable, I had my girl in my arms and this mother fucker has to come and ruin my morning. I storm through the house straight to the front door unlocking it and throwing it open.

"The fuck you want" I growl and his smirk fades and his mouth drops

"You're still here" he says looking shocked

"No, I'm actually back on the road this is a hologram" I say rolling my eyes "Of course I'm still fucking here you tool"

"Even after what I told you?" he asks

"Oh I'm sorry was that supposed to make me leave her?" I ask sarcastically "well you're out of luck, unlike you I have no problem with it, and there is nothing you can do or say that will make me leave, I love her and I'm not going anywhere"

"Hmm we'll see about that" he chuckles "You know you could have at least put some pants on"

"What I was doing didn't require them" I growl "No tell me what the fuck you want before you end up missing some teeth, and don't say you want to see Sam because you know damn well you aint getting passed me"

"That's fine" he smirks "I'll just wait until you leave, she'll talk to me then"

I say nothing just slam the door in his face, I lock it and head back to the bedroom where Sam is sat up in bed waiting for me.

"Everything ok?" she asks

"You're coming on the road with me, I'm not asking" I say pacing around the room, the next thing I feel is her arms around my waist and her lips gently kissing my back and I instantly relax

"What happened baby?" she asks as I turn to face her wrapping my arms around her

"I told him I wasn't letting him near you and he said he'd come back when I'd gone" I sigh "I'm sorry sweetheart but I can't leave you here with him hanging around I just can't"

"Alright I'll come with you" she smiles up at me and I kiss her forehead

"Really?" I say "I don't want to force you......I mean I guess I kind of am.......I just, I know I'll worry my self sick if....." Sam places her finger on my lips silencing me

"Joe, I want to come with you" she says "Laying there with you this morning I knew I wouldn't be able to say goodbye to you again so I made up my mind that I was going with you"

 I sweep her up in my arms making her giggle and carry her back over to the bed laying her down and getting in beside her, I pull her into me so that I am leaning over her slightly and press my lips to hers, her hands travel up my arms and into my hair.

"I love you feisty don't ever for get that" I say breaking the kiss and looking down at her, she reaches up and takes my face in her hands smiling at me.

"I love you too big man" she smiles "We're going to be just fine I promise" 

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