Hear Me Out

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Next Day


Standing in the living room I watch Jake as he stares at the cheque he is holding in his hand, I was starting to realise that maybe Hannah was right I was too nice, I had decided to do this in private rather than humiliate him in front of everyone, that and I felt absolutely shocking today.

"I don't understand" he says looking up at me "After everything why would you do this?"

"I'm doing it for your child, not you, not her" I say "now take it and go"

"Sam I know it won't make much difference now but I truly am sorry" he says "I was desperate and I never stopped to think about you in all of this"

"I don't want an apology Jake, I want your ass walking out of my door" I say "and I never want to see or hear from you again"

Jake gives me a half smile and a nod before turning and walking towards the door, I follow behind purely to make sure that he leaves but when I open the door I see something I don't expect. Joe walking towards my house with the twins.

"You need us to get rid of him Sammy?" Jey asks as they approach

"No he's just leaving" I say "Joe? What are you doing here?"

"I was hoping we could talk, that you would hear me out, but you look terrible" he says looking worried "Are you alright?"

"Um yeah just tired I guess" I say "come on in" I say stepping aside to let him in, he gives the twins a nod and they head back to the car

"Sam everything he told you about me was a lie" he says "I'm not married and there is no one else, you have to believe me. We both know what he really wants, he doesn't love you but this man right here loves you with every beat of his heart" he says tapping is chest "now I don't know your reasons for marrying him but I am asking you not to do this, don't marry him Sam...."

"Joe I'm not......"

"Tell me you don't love me, tell me we are done and I will walk away but if you do still love me give me another chance, let me make you happy" he says wrapping his arms around me "at the end of the day, I want it to be you and me, I want your late nights and early mornings, I want your good days and your bad ones. I want you when your dressed up or in sweats and my shirt. I want you when you are old, I want you forever, I love you Samantha Lewis, and I want you to marry me"

"What?" I gasp as he takes my hands in his and closes the gap between us

"Will you marry me Sam?" he smiles and I feel my emotions start to get the better of me

"Yes I will, I love you Joe" I smile "but there is something you should know" I say reaching behind me and unclasping his hands "it won't be just me and you" I say gently placing his hand on my stomach, Joe looks at my stomach and then at me and I can see the tears in his eyes.

"A baby?" he asks and I nod "This...this is a dream come true" he smiles "see I told you I tell the truth when I'm drunk" he says making me laugh, before pressing his lips against mine in a gentle loving kiss.

"Wait what about him?" he asks breaking the kiss

"He's gone, he won't be bothering us anymore" I say "I paid his debt, and he has agreed to stay out of my life"

"You did what?" he asks "Why would you give that jackass money?"

"Well my original intention was to marry him, let him get the money and then annul the marriage, but then I found out I was expecting our little one and I couldn't do it" I explain "I asked my lawyer if there was a way to just give him the money, and it turned out my dad didn't trust his either, he made an additional clause that meant that the money went to Tyler"

"Your dad was a smart man" he smiles "I'm glad it's going to Tyler, I know he will make better use of it"

"Well half of it is" I say "the other half is going to our baby"

"I think you should give all the money to Tyler" he says and I look at him confused "Baby our child is going to want for nothing, I want Tyler to have the chance to do whatever he wants to do when he's older"

"Alright" I smile "I'll call my lawyer and have him make the changes"

"No what you are going to do is go to bed and rest" he says "you look like you could do with some sleep and it's not like either of them are going to be making a withdrawal anytime soon"

"What about you?" I ask "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to get rid of the twins and then I'm going to stay right here and look after my future wife and mother of my child" he smiles "because right now there is nowhere on this earth I would rather be"

Looking up at Joe I feel a sense of relief wash over me, it was all finally over and I was right where I should be, with Joe planning our future with out first child.

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