i'm alive

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20-David Group

Half-Liver: i'm alive👍🏻

Half-Liver: *insert image*

Papa Deac: Hey, bud! How ya feeling? Annie's bringing soup tomorrow...

The Newlywed: Glad to see you're alive, Street.😂

Salty Chris: He won't be for long if he doesn't call me back...😤

Half-Liver: i just talked to you for an hour

Half-Liver: and I feel fine, deac

Former Team Leader: So that's what took you so long to answer our texts!

Salty Chris: I only got what I was promised!

DeLuca: Just call her back, man.

DeLuca: She's been pacing for hours and jumping at every little noise.

DeLuca: Still can't get her to eat either.

The Newlywed: Aww! I love worried Chris.🥰

Salty Chris: Your wife isn't going to love me when I fly to Hawaii to kick your ass.

Papa Deac: Alright kids! Settle.

Half-Liver: calling you back now, chris. and you're going to eat dinner in front of me; you're hangry

Salty Chris: Fine.🙄

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