Chatty Cathy

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20-David Group

The Headache: Guys!

The Headache: I finally saw Nora drunk!

Chatty Cathy: I knew the regret was more than just the hangover.

Tasteful Tan: So what's the verdict? What kind of drunk is Fowler?

The Headache: She narrated her life story like it wasn't her own.

Clingy Christina: So chatty Cathy? You two are a pair then.

The Headache: Hey! What's that supposed to mean?

Chatty Cathy: I have lots of regrets.

The Flirt: It means we get headaches from your loudmouth, not the hangovers!

Happy Hondo: Sorry Luca. I gotta agree with the kids here.

The Headache: At least I don't flirt with everyone in sight 2 drinks in! Pretty sure we've made out drunk before.

The Flirt: That's only Chris now but it's hard to do with you drowning everything out.

Tasteful Tan: Hondo and I are just happy drunks.

Mama Jess: Except Hondo can't keep his hands off me. I have to play mother all night.

The Flirt: Chris can relate. 

Clingy Christina: That's Christina and we don't talk about her.


Chatty Cathy: Jesus Christ NO!

That One Night: Please no. My own kids signing that all day is enough. I don't need my work kids singing it too.

Chatty Cathy: Wait! What kind of drunk is Deacon?

Happy Hondo: We don't know. He doesn't drink.

That One Night: I had one drunken night in my 20s that I don't remember. That was enough for me. I found Jesus.

Tasteful Tan: Very Catholic of you.

Chatty Cathy: Probably for the best. I have lots of regrets about letting Luca get me drunk.

The Headache: I love you!

Tasteful Tan: Something tells me we're gonna ignore this too.

Tasteful Tan: And I was right.


For the lovely Sophia whom I had an extensive conversation with last night about the types of drunks 20-squad would be. I'm Nora. lol. Also had to throw in the Catholic Deacon reference for my Instagram peeps; I see y'all! My brother has also not stopped singing Encanto for days so as soon as I wrote Chris' line that came to mind. <3 -Sharna

Just in case:

Chatty Cathy = Nora (chatty drunk)

The Headache = Luca (loud drunk)

That One Night = Deacon (doesn't drink)

Tasteful Tan = Tan (happy and helpful drunk)

Happy Hondo = Hondo (happy and touchy drunk)

Mama Jess = Jess (the mom drunk)

The Flirt = Street (flirty drunk)

Clingy Christina = Chris (clingy and protective drunk)

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