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20-David Group

Luca: Can someone explain to me why it's snowing in LA in March.

Street: We've been through this, Luca. The weatherman said so. That's why!

Tan: Sciency things, man. I'm not a meteorologist.

Chris: Climate change. Plain and simple.

Deacon: God said so.

Hondo: You'd know if you watched the news.

Fowler: Mother nature wants you to stop driving like an idiot.

Cortez: All of the above.

Luca: Well I'm confused now.


Inspired by Alabama's recent weather during my SPRING BREAK! What are everyone's thoughts on this style of group chat part? I still enjoy the longer ones but I'm considering adding some of this style into the mix to break everything up. A simple question/scenario followed by chaotic answers that follow their personalities. Let me know in the comments! <3 -Sharna

20-David GroupWhere stories live. Discover now