Mama Fowler

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20-David Group

Happiest Man Alive: luca?

Dad-Duty Luca: yes street?

Happiest Man Alive: you coming home anytime soon buddy?

Mama Fowler: You're not getting him back!

Mama Fowler: He's mine now.

Mama Fowler: I will fight you.

Dad-Duty Luca: 😅

Happiest Man Alive: damn fowler

Happiest Man Alive: chill. I just needed to know how much takeout to order.🤣

Tan the Newlywed Man: She'd win that fight too.

Tan the Newlywed Man: I learned my lesson about messing with mama Fowler.

Mama Fowler: Damn right I would.

Mama Fowler: Have your toddler scream for 2 and a half months straight every night and tell me you wouldn't fight someone and win.🤷🏼‍♀️

Papa Deac: I'd throw down for my kids

Papa Deac: My actual kids and all of you

Hondo at the Desk: i have thrown down for darryl

Hondo at the Desk: chris is oddly quiet🤔

Happiest Man Alive: she's asleep on me

Happiest Man Alive: *insert image*

Happiest Man Alive: this is the most she's slept in months so I'm leaving her be❤️

Papa Deac: That's all because of you kiddo

Papa Deac: You can tell she finally feels at peace

Tan the Newlywed Man: She's not gonna be so peaceful when she sees that picture😂

Mama Fowler: It's sweet!

Hondo at the Desk: she's still chris

Happiest Man Alive: she loves me. I'll survive.

Dad-Duty Luca: we'll see about that.

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