Jim with Germs

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20-David Group

Frail Fowler: Street I'm going to kick your ass.

Frail Fowler: You gave me and my kid the flu.

Lucid Luca: I second. I'm flu positive too.

Achy Alonso: I'm currently dying next to him but he says sorry.

Jess the Guest: Hondo's down too. I've been banished to the guest room.

Hypochondriac Hondo: And you don't have the flu now do you?

Frail Fowler: Chris, tell your boyfriend to get his ass in here and take accountability for making everyone sick.

Dizzy Deac: All of us are out. Picked the last sick kid up from school half an hour ago. At the doctor with her now.

Tearful Tan: Bonnie and I are still at the doctor, too, but we're both flu A positive.

Jim with Germs: Sorry guys. Drinks are on me next time.

Frail Fowler: How about come take care of my sick kid, huh?

Lucid Luca: I'm coming to help you, Nora. 

Jim with Germs: I've got my own kid to take care of and her name is Chris.

Achy Alonso: Rude. Not my fault you decided to give me the flu and a 102-degree fever.

Dizzy Deac: I have 4 kids and a wife and I'm nauseous.

Tearful Tan: Bonnie can't hold her head up and my eyes won't stop watering.

Hypochondriac Hondo: I have the chills and I cannot stop shaking.

Jess the Guest: Everyone put the phones down and rest!

Jess the Guest: Everyone is sick now so there's no use fighting about it. Get some rest, drink lots of water, and take your meds. This will all be over in a few days. I'll be around if anyone desperately needs anything. Not like I can do much in the guest room anyway.

Achy Alonso: Thanks, Jess.

Frail Fowler: I guess it'll be a little better with Luca here.

Tearful Tan: Bonnie and I are going straight home to bed.

Dizzy Deac: Me and Lilah too. I need some nausea medicine.

Hypochondriac Hondo: I need a nap myself.

Jim with Germs: Sorry for making everyone sick again. Rest assured Chris is giving me enough hell for all of you.

Achy Alonso: Damn right I am! Now bring me sprite, please.

Jess the Guest: Good night everyone! Call if you need anything.


Thanks to Sophia for Deacon's name! Enjoy a little sick 20-squad chat while I'm sick (not the flu) and delerious.  <3 -Sharna

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