Lady Cortez

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20-David Group

Hondo at the Desk: *added Lady Cortez*

Hondo at the Desk: jess is back!❤️

Lady Cortez: How did I not know this existed before?

DeLuca: What happens in the group chat stays in the group chat.

Lady Cortez: Probably a good policy to have knowing y'all.

Salty Chris: Street!

Street on the Mend: yes?

Salty Chris: Love me.

Salty Chris: I need attention.

Street on the Mend: you're literally laying on top of me.🤦🏻‍♂️

Lady Cortez: Did I miss something or...

Tan the Newlywed Man: Oh yeah. That's a thing now. We only mildly tolerate it.🤷🏽‍♂️

Lady Cortez: You got married? And I wasn't invited?😭

Lady Cortez: I'm offended if so.

Tan the Newlywed Man: It was just at the courthouse.

Tan the Newlywed Man: Ceremony is in October if you'd like to tag along with Hondo.

Papa Deac: Not to be rude or anything but Jess was never 20-David.

Hondo at the Desk: leave her alone

Hondo at the Desk: she's the only source of happiness I have at the moment

Hondo at the Desk: plus y'all put Nora in here

Lady Cortez: Who's Nora?

Mama Fowler: That's me!🙋🏼‍♀️

Mama Fowler: I'm the swat medic.

Tan the Newlywed Man: There was no y'all about that. It was Luca.

Lady Cortez: Well I'm Jess. I was the lieutenant before Piper.

DeLuca: Leave my girl alone!

Tan the Newlywed Man: So you admit she's your girl!☺️

Mama Fowler: I'm just gonna go...

Street on the Mend: he hasn't been home in 3 days so...

DeLuca: both of you go back to your wives!

Salty Chris: Do you know something I don't, Luca?💍

Lady Cortez: I'm all sorts of confused about all of you dating each other.

Papa Deac: No worse than you and Hondo.

Lady Cortez: 😳

Hondo at the Desk: call us out then deac😑

Papa Deac: Like we all didn't know already. You two were almost as bad at hiding it as Chris and Street.

Papa Deac: Way I see it, you two started this whole mess.

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