salty Chris returns

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20-David Group

Salty Chris: Would someone care to explain why there's a picture of me sleeping in here?

Tan the Newlywed Man: and salty Chris returns😂

Luca's Back: ask the pillow in the picture

Salty Chris: James...

Street on the Mend: legally, yes?

Salty Chris: Wtf did you do?

Papa Deac: Language!

Salty Chris: Sorry.

Salty Chris: Street, what the fuck did you do?

Papa Deac: Not what I meant...🤦🏻‍♂️

Street on the Mend: no clue what you're talking about darling😘

Salty Chris: Why do I even try?

Street on the Mend: because you love me🥰

Salty Chris: A whole damn lot.

Salty Chris: But send another picture of me sleeping without my permission and I'll cut your head off.🥰😘

Street on the Mend: yes ma'am😅

Tan the Newlywed Man: you two make me wanna barf

Mama Fowler: Coming from the literal newlywed.

Tan the Newlywed Man: Bonnie and I aren't like that.

Hondo at the Desk: oh yes you are

Hondo at the Desk: i'd argue you two are worse. we all just see chris and street more

Tan the Newlywed Man: Well now we have whatever Nora and Luca are too.

Mama Fowler: No clue what you're talking about.

Luca's Back: me either

Tan the Newlywed Man: mhmm🙄

Tan the Newlywed Man: We'll see about that

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