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20-David Group

Street's in Love: question.

Street's in Love: how many letters do each of you have and do you update them?

Street's Actual Roommate: I have 1 to you and 1 to my dad. I've never updated them except to add you as the beneficiary of the house.

Street's Actual Roommate: But that's an odd question to ask.

A Regular Married Man: I have 1 to Bonnie and 1 to my parents, but I did update Bonnie's when we got engaged.

A Regular Married Man: It's kinda morbid that you just asked that.😬

Street's in Love: Chris thinks it's weird that I write her a new letter every year.

Soft Chris: I didn't say weird; I just said uncommon.

Soft Chris: I did write you a second letter a few months ago though.

Still Mama Fowler: I write my son a letter every year on his birthday but it's not for our locker letter purposes. He is my locker letter, though, along with my ex husband.

Still Papa Deac: I have a letter to each kid, one for Annie, and a group letter for all of you.

Hopeful Hondo: i have 1 to darryl, 1 to my mom, and 1 to my dad.

A Regular Married Man: Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Nora has a letter to her ex husband?

Jess Post FBI: I just have one addressed to my sister; it covers the whole family.

Still Mama Fowler: It's for how I'd like my son to remember me and be raised, jackass.🙄

A Regular Married Man: oh...🤭

Still Papa Deac: I do need to go update that group letter to include Fowler.

Still Mama Fowler: Thanks, Deac.🥰

A Regular Married Man: Chris, you never said who yours are all to.

Soft Chris: I have 2 to Street; one from the day he wrote his first one to me and one I wrote a few months ago. And then I have a letter for my aunt and uncle and one for Victoria.

Soft Chris: Street also has all of his letters to me still in there and dated for me to read in order.

Still Papa Deac: I'm touched that Tori has a letter.❤️

Street's in Love: I'm sorry I'd like you to see my feelings for you evolve throughout time if something happened to me.

A Regular Married Man: That's actually really sweet...

Soft Chris: I never said it was a bad thing. I just didn't think it was something you'd think about.

Street's in Love: I hope you never have to read those letters but if you do I want you to see that I've loved and appreciated you from day one.

Street's in Love: I hope you know that now, too.

Jess Post FBI: ^^^ I want a love as pure as that.🥺

Jess Post FBI: And I never thought I'd be looking at Chris and Street as models for my love life.

Street's Actual Roommate: None of us did but here we are.

Still Papa Deac: They arguably have the best relationship out of all of us and I've been married since they were teenagers.

A Regular Married Man: Bonnie and I look up to their relationship too and we've also been together longer than them.

A Regular Married Man: But you'll never hear me admit that again.🙃

Street's Actual Roommate: They're currently crying out their little tiff on the couch.😊

Still Mama Fowler: I'm the only person here who only ever knew them as a couple and even I look at them in awe.

Still Mama Fowler: I've been married before too.

Hopeful Hondo: they really made me believe in love again after years on this job. they've made it work no matter what. that's what real love is.

Soft Chris: I stopped crying and now I'm crying again.😭

Street's in Love: I think all of that is the nicest thing anyone could ever say to us.

Street's in Love: we've never been easy but it's all been worth it.💙

Soft Chris: I'll do the hard stuff with you forever.😘

Still Papa Deac: And that's why you two work.

Hi. Have some sweet Stris texts while my perfectionism keeps me from finishing and publishing any short stories. I'm very quickly running out of names for everyone in the chat. If you have any suggestions, leave a comment! I'll tag you if I use them and you'll get full credit. <3 -Sharna

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