Christmas Trees & Queen Mariah

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20-David Group

Luca the Grinch: I'm settling this.

Luca the Grinch: Do you put your Christmas tree up before or after Thanksgiving?

Luca the Grinch: Because NORA is just wrong.

Luca the Grinch: She's currently blasting Mariah Carey and decorating the house.🙄

Twas the Night Before Tan: You moved in with Nora?😉

Festive Fowler: Oh lord...

Festive Fowler: Here we go again.🤦🏼‍♀️

Deacon Claus: Decorations come down from the attic on November 1st. Annie's rule, not mine.

Chris(tmas) Joy: My family has always put the tree up after Thanksgiving dinner so we're all together to decorate but I'm indifferent.🤷🏻‍♀️

Chris(tmas) Joy: And don't disrespect queen Mariah @ Luca the Grinch 😤

Miracle on 34th STREET: I've never had a Christmas tree so...💔

Chris(tmas) Joy: That's so sad.😭

Chris(tmas) Joy: You're having a tree this year! And you're coming to family Thanksgiving.❤️

Holly Jolly Hondo: My tree goes up whenever mom puts it up and usually I don't even notice until she says something about it.

Jingle Jess: That's the most male thing I've ever heard.🙄

Jingle Jess: But mine usually goes up the weekend before Thanksgiving. My mom likes to look at the tree when she visits for Thanksgiving.

Twas the Night Before Tan: Even though I continue to be ignored by Nora, Bonnie does put our tree up before Thanksgiving because we travel so much around the holidays.

Festive Fowler: Now if my math is correct...

Festive Fowler: That's 3 people before Thanksgiving, 2 indifferent, and only 2 for after.

Festive Fowler: So... I win! @ Luca the Grinch 😜

Festive Fowler: Now come help Jackson and I decorate!🥰

Luca the Grinch: Fine.😤

Luca the Grinch: But 20 squad really failed me today.💔

Twas the Night Before Tan: You two are ridiculous


I couldn't help myself. I'm a November 1st kinda gal and seeing all the Mariah Carey memes makes my heart happy. Have domestic Luca and Nora. <3 -Sharna

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