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20-David Group

DeLuca: *added Dr. Fowler*

DeLuca: I'm bored.

Dr. Fowler: You realize I'm just a medic, right?

DeLuca: 🤷🏻

DeLuca: You look like a doctor.👩🏼‍⚕️

Papa Deac: You're literally in Germany WITH Chris.

DeLuca: *insert image*

DeLuca: She's too busy talking to pretty boy at OUR lunch table!!!🙄

Salty Chris: I did not consent to that photo.

DeLuca: Ha! So you do know I exist!

DeLuca: Pay attention to me!😤

Salty Chris: I resent the fact that my name is salty in this group when Luca is clearly the salty one.

Former Team Leader: better than mine...😭

Dr. Fowler: I'm not even a doctor.

The Newlywed: I'm just trying to get a tan and y'all are over here being depressing.

Half-Liver: chrissy!!!

Half-Liver: come back!

Half-Liver: miss you!💖

DeLuca: Now you know how I feel. Ignored.

Papa Deac: It's how we all feel.😢

Salty Chris: I'm sorry if the person in the hospital across the country with half a liver needs more of my attention. 🙄 I'll try to divide my time better between all of you!

Papa Deac: Yay! She loves us all.❤️

Dr. Fowler: Signed up to be a swat medic and got stuck with these people...🤦🏼‍♀️

DeLuca: You love us, Nora!😘

Dr. Fowler: Yeah, yeah.

20-David GroupWhere stories live. Discover now