Exiled Alonso

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20-David Group

Exiled Alonso: My own family

Exiled Alonso: Replaced me

Exiled Alonso: WITH STREET!

Exiled Alonso: *insert image*

Luca's Pressing Luck: huh.

Luca's Pressing Luck: almost like how street replaced me

Luca's Pressing Luck: WITH YOU!

Mama Fowler: my own flesh and blood screams for LUCA every night.

Papa Deac: Tori's stopped asking me how my day was and started asking me how Chris is.😭

Our Fearless Leader: i'm a swat sergeant at a desk while my entire team is dispersed about the country.😤

Tan the Newlywed Man: I have no complaints❤️

Mama Fowler: shut it victor

Half-Liver: Me either! I got food and family time!

Exiled Alonso: With MY family!

Tan the Newlywed Man: At least we know there won't be any fights at their wedding.😅

Half-Liver: 😁

Half-Liver: What's yours is mine darling.😘

Exiled Alonso: Not even worth it.

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