The Main Character

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20-David Group

The Romantic Interest: Can I have my girlfriend back please?

The Romantic Interest: I'd really like to see her at some point this week.

The Main Character: ?

The Romantic Interest: Fowler wants to train with her, Hondo needs her help with plumbing, Tan wants to go out for drinks, Deacon wants his kids watched, and Luca waves Charlie around like a magic wand to get her to come over.

The Romantic Interest: I'd like my girlfriend back.😔

The Married Man: Okay, you stole her from me first thank you! Chris was MY best friend before you came along.

The Romantic Interest: You have a whole wife! Take her out for drinks.

The Single Mom: I'd like a job.🤷🏼‍♀️

The Romantic Interest: You have a job that we love and treasure you for.

The Leader: Do you know how expensive a plumber is on a cop's salary?

The Romantic Interest: Point taken there. You can have her for an evening.

The Main Character: I know you're feeling a little left out, Street, but I volunteered for all of this.

The Dad: Not my fault Chris loves my kids.

The Third Wheel: Or my dog.

The Romantic Interest: I just want my girlfriend back!

The Main Character: I have a proposal.

The Main Character: Luca can train with Fowler, I'll help Hondo with the plumbing, and I'm going to drinks with Tan because he lost a bet. Then we'll have date night and you can come with me to watch Deacon's kids. Charlie can wait.

The Main Character: Does that sound amicable?

The Third Wheel: I guess I can take Fowler.

The Single Mom: Luca's fine.💖

The Dad: Works for me. The kids will be double happy.

The Leader: I still get my plumbing fixed for free? Sounds great to me.

The Married Man: And I get my best friend back? I'll pay the bill happily.

The Married Man: And nicely placed heart there Nora...🕵🏽

The Main Character: I was more asking Street but everyone seems happy so... Street?

The Romantic Interest: Fine.

The Romantic Interest: You really do have main character energy.

The Married Man: I am once again ignored.


In case you didn't catch on...

The Main Character = Chris

The Romantic Interest = Street

The Leader = Hondo

The Single Mom = Fowler

The Dad = Deacon

The Third Wheel = Luca

The Married Man = Tan

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