It's a SWAT Halloween Party

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SWAT Halloween Party Group

Tan: What's everyone dressing up as?🤔

Tan: I need ideas.

Fowler: My son wants to be Simba so I'm Nala.

Luca: ^ I'm Scar❤️

Deacon: The Kay's are coming as Cheaper by the Dozen.

Deacon: Or at least that's what Annie told me.

Alonso: Street and I are greasers because I don't have time for this.🙄

Cortez: I'm Sandy from Grease.

Cortez: Everything I own is a suit or black so...🖤

Hondo: Wait.

Hondo: I'm coming as Danny.

Tan: ^ Well that should go well.😂

Hicks: I figured I'd put on a pair of shades and call myself Biden to see what the brass says.😎

Alonso: Or you could call yourself Buttigieg. Their reaction would either be worse or they wouldn't know who you're talking about.

Lynch: I'm just a black cat.

Lynch: Not trying to start stuff with the mayor here @Hondo @Cortez @Hicks

Deacon: Chris, I'm pretty sure no one here knows who Buttigieg is besides you.🤣

Street: I do!

Deacon: You don't count. You live with her. Lol.

Tan: I know who Pete is! Cool guy.

Fowler: I'm also familiar with him. Former military mayor that ran for president.

Fowler: I follow his husband on Instagram.✨

Deacon: So the young bloods know who he is.

Alonso: This proves my point exactly.

Luca: She's not wrong.

Tan: Someone give Bonnie and I a costume suggestion!

Fowler: I say just go basic and do Prince Charming and Cinderella.💙

Fowler: Then Luca and I wouldn't be the only ones doing Disney.

Tan: Perfect!

Tan: Thanks for the help everyone. See you Saturday.


I'm so sorry if you didn't get my political references but as a political aid I saw my shot and took it. Zero regrets. 😂 This is also a discussion Emma and I had today. Credit to her for the Kay's costume idea! Enjoy our chaos. And note that they didn't have cool names because this is a different chat and I'm also running out of ideas. <3 -Sharna

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