Besties Edition

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We're In Charge: Hicks & Lynch

Hicks: Are you still here?

Lynch: When am I not?

Hicks: Scotch?

Lynch: Always. On my way.


Hicks: Can you pick Molly up from the airport for me?

Lynch: Sure.

Lynch: May I inquire as to why I'm picking Molly up from the airport instead of her own father? You know I run things well enough here for you to make a quick airport trip.

Hicks: So you'd rather meet with the brass about Hondo?

Lynch: Molly's lovely! Tell her I'll see her at the airport!


Lynch: Hurry your ass back from Mexico! I'll talk to Wendy, beg if I have it. Luca is driving me crazy as second command!

Hicks: Feeling the pain I've felt every day since you left me for the mayor, Piper?

Lynch: I will talk to the mayor. I will come back permanently. Just please come bail me out.

Hicks: Changing my flight now. See you at the airport, lieutenant.


Lynch: I swear you and Wendy colluded to get me back with that mandatory Mexico trip.

Hicks: And why would we ever do that?

Lynch: Jackass.


Have some bestie texts! This is seriously what I think Hicks and Lynch would text each other if she was still around. This is also another shameless promo to bring her back. I loved Lynch so much! <3 -Sharna

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