For research purposes

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20-David Group

She's a Medic: I need to know everyone's star sign⭐️

She's a Medic: For research purposes...

Assertive Alonso: You're trying to figure out if you're compatible with someone aren't you?😂

Assertive Alonso: But I'm a Virgo; August 30th to be exact.

A Regular Married Man: *cough* Luca *cough* *cough*

A Regular Married Man: October 9th so Libra.

She's a Medic: I didn't say that...🙄

Assertive Alonso: I sometimes think you forget I'm a woman too.

Still Papa Deac: What's a star sign?

27 What?: ^ same

Assertive Alonso: Oh please.🤦🏼‍♀️

Assertive Alonso: Just send me your birthdays.

Still Papa Deac: November 4th

Jess' Remaining Sanity: Hondo, you're a Leo and literally the textbook definition of one.

Jess' Remaining Sanity: I'm Aries but barely. April 17th.

Assertive Alonso: Deac, you're a Scorpio.

27 What?: August 22nd. And what's that supposed to mean Jess?

Street's Still in Love: I think Chris has told me I'm an Aquarius.

Street's Still in Love: February 15th.

Assertive Alonso: That's right.

Assertive Alonso: I'm shocked you remembered.🥰

27 What?: Jess?

Dad-Duty Luca: I get a daily horoscope...😬

Dad-Duty Luca: And I'm an Aries too, Jess. But April 1st. Always the fool.

Assertive Alonso: Luca would be the only guy that gets a horoscope.

Assertive Alonso: Answer your question, Nora? You're compatible.❤️

She's a Medic: Thanks for answering!

She's a Medic: And I'm a Capricorn if you were wondering. January 6th.✨

27 What?: Jess is just gonna ignore me then. Okay.

Assertive Alonso: Nora ignored me too. 🤷🏼‍♀️ It's all good.


In case anyone was wondering what Emma and I do in our free time. Here it is. We discuss fictional character's star signs. We're just gonna have to agree to disagree about Street. lol. Hope you loved it though. Feel free to comment what you think everyone's star sign is. I also have Lynch as a Gemini, Hicks as a Sagittarius, Bonnie as a Taurus, and Annie as a Cancer. And I'm an Aries for anyone wondering; my birthday is the same as Luca's here. <3 -Sharna

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