An Old Married Woman

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20-David Group

Party Luca: street...

Street On The Mend: yes...

Party Luca: tell your girl to come out with me!

Party Luca: it's our last weekend and she hasn't been out once.

Party Luca: she's been locked up in her room on the phone with you.

Feminist Chris: The fact that there are two men discussing what I should do with my night in this chat...🙄

Street On The Mend: Chris is a grown woman. she can do as she pleases.

Street On The Mend: but I can manage one day without a call if you do want to go, Chris.

Tan the Newlywed Man: She already sounds like an old married woman.🤣

Papa Deac: There's nothing wrong with that!

Mama Fowler: Agreed! People's priorities change.

Feminist Chris: ^^^ Thank you!

Party Luca: will you at least go to dinner with me?

Party Luca: it's getting depressing eating alone🥺

Party Luca: I promise I'll have you back by 10.

Desk Duty Hondo: I can relate.

Feminist Chris: You're buying.

Party Luca: deal!😘

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