Hot SWAT Cop

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20-David Group

Street's Still in Love: Anyone hear Chris' new nickname?😂

Assertive Alonso: Please no!

A Regular Married Man: Well now I have to know.

Assertive Alonso: No you don't. Street teasing me is enough.

DeLuca: Oh, I know. Name change!

*DeLuca changed Assertive Alonso's name to Hot SWAT Cop*

Hot SWAT Cop: Jesus.🤦🏻‍♀️

A Regular Married Man: I mean, a lot of people do need Jesus after looking at you.

Street's Still in Love: Flirt with your own wife!

Hot SWAT Cop: I'm flattered but I still hate it.

She's a Medic: I understand the feminist frustration, Chris, but you are nice to look at.

Still Papa Deac: I'm incredibly uncomfortable here.

Not 27-David: ^ same

Jess' Remaining Sanity: Y'all are dramatic. Just admit she's hot and move on.🙄

Still Papa Deac: She's like my daughter!

Jess' Remaining Sanity: And you don't tell Lila and Tori they're beautiful?

Still Papa Deac: Point taken.

Still Papa Deac: Chris, you look great.

Hot SWAT Cop: Thanks Deac.☺️

DeLuca: You guys should've seen the masses of people flirting with her in Germany.

Still Papa Deac: And I'm back uncomfortable again. Time for me to head out.

Not 27-David: same. but let me know if you need me to throw down for you, chris.

Street's Still in Love: I think I've got that covered.

Street's Still in Love: And Tan's first on the list.

A Regular Married Man: 😳

Hot SWAT Cop: First off, leave my hype man alone.

Hot SWAT Cop: And second, I do a pretty damn good job taking care of myself.

Hot SWAT Cop: But Nora, you might wanna hide Luca somewhere because I'm plotting revenge.😤

She's a Medic: Point taken, but he deserves this one.💖

She's a Medic: Maybe your revenge will go better than mine.

DeLuca: Even Nora sells me out for Chris.😔

A Regular Married Man: I'm not even gonna mention the fact that we're ignoring this again.🤦🏻

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