Hot Damn

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20-David Group

Devine DeLuca: *insert image*

Devine DeLuca: someone's having a good time

Tan the Newlywed Man: Hot damn, Chris!🔥😍

Tan the Newlywed Man: For someone who didn't want to go out, you sure do look the part.

Chris On The Town: You're like my annoying little brother

Chris On The Town: But also my hype man😊

Mama Fowler: Could you get any prettier?🤩

Mama Fowler: Like save some for the rest of us!

Desk Duty Hondo: glad you two are having fun!

Chris On The Town: Love ya, Fowler😘

Chris On The Town: We're having a girls night when I get back

Mama Fowler: Damn right we are.

Papa Deac: Tori says you look nice, Chris.

Chris On The Town: I miss my girl

Papa Deac: Believe me, she misses you too

Street All Alone: really wishing i was luca right now...

Chris On The Town: Soon

Chris On The Town: I miss you

Street All Alone: i miss you more❤️

Devine DeLuca: somehow I doubt that's possible.

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