Chapter 2

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(Third Person's POV)

After a whole night of this sleepover it was very fun for the new kid on the block living across the street from the loud family residence, he first came to Royal woods when he was really little at the time where in his life isn't so peachy and cream as it seems from a distant, but we'll get to that later on for now the emo boy was waking up out his sleeping bag feeling so well rested rubbing his eyes for a second it was a long night of watching tv with other people in the house then remembers he was invited to Lincoln's place as even his parents approved of it, they've seen the lonely child before whenever taking their kids anywhere in the neighborhood always noticed Alex outside either sitting down on his front porch or maybe walking to school by himself so felt bad wouldn't mind having him here at all which was so nice of them unaware of their son inviting other kids to their house before him being last just keeping that under the rug but he looks around the living room before getting out his sleeping bag to head upstairs towards the bathroom still a little tired from a nice dream.

Alex's POV

The little emo boy was yawning up a storm before causing his arm to rub his eyes to see clearer walking down the hallway hearing how quiet it was in the loud house since it never sleeps, he noticed them throughout his life spent in this neighborhood before whenever going to school seeing Vanzilla by walking on the sidewalk or skating there mostly of the time if he doesn't want to use his feet but makes it to the bathroom goes in doing his business then finishes up by washing/drying his hands afterwards walking away until bumping into someone by accident it's understandable he didn't see for one still sleepy and depending on how it is either around his height or little can possibly be one of Lincoln's sisters which happens to be Lucy out of all siblings. "Oops! My bad Lucy I didn't see you there, are you alright!!..." he asked the little goth girl who looked at him with her ravenette hair concealing her eyes seems to be fine. "It's okay Alex! I hope you enjoyed the sleepover last night, but heard you talking in your sleep" she said in her usual quiet tone which makes the little older boy to look at her with surprise couldn't believe what he was hearing about her listening to him sleep talk and the fact he does that is new to himself. " said you heard me talk in my slee—wait the better question is what did I even say and why...?!" He asked her being a little bit confused like his mouth was open out of clear shock wanting to know what she means by that.

Lucy's POV

"You were talking a little but what I could make out was about Lynn! It seems you have somewhat feelings for my sister and it's okay if you do just know that she can be impulsive and sometimes aggressive with her passion of sports being too energetic, since you seem a little shy or maybe troubled like me." She said calmly in her usual monotone/gloomy tone when the goth girl explained about herself comparison to the older emo teen had noticed in the past she seen him across the street remaining alone when going to school keep to himself a lot and figures their connection are the same as she is depicted at being spooky by her siblings when teleporting every now and then scaring anyone outside the family but with this new friend he isn't at all. "I do think she is very cool person with her love of sports, how she seems to be up for any challenge and her style is sick is all heck with her cute little ponytail, how beautiful her freckles are on her face with that cocky attitude is all around starstruck to me" he said softly feeling opened to express his feelings about the tomboy who then sighs out of happiness then looks back to Lucy stopping himself from going any further but witnesses her smiling a little. "I guess my prediction were right about your fascination with Lynn, allow me to tell you a poem about love." She said pulling out her book of poems to Alex who seems interested in this "Lynn, You're heart burns for this sporty brunette. Nimble dribble. sideline kick. Meatball sub to her tastes delicious not without bringing home the gold a hockey stick. You live a dark life. With different interests. Polar opposites come together. Kindred spirits forever." Lucy finishes her little poem for the emo boy as he was amazed by her words giving her one big hug thanking her for this. "That was an amazing poem!! I do like your dark demeanor my friend..." he said to her softly letting go as Lucy was very compassionate about her poems appreciated his kindness as another person who doesn't find her scary at all just misunderstood. "Thank you Alex! Now I shall remain in the shadows, for my cold soul that is life with my friends!" She said slowly walking backwards in the shade of the hallway creeping away from the older child who nodded away walking off from bathroom line.

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