Chapter 16

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Third Person's POV

It has been four days after recovering in the hospital for the emo boy feeling so trapped in his little room day and night just couldn't possibly have enough silence from the constant thought of being alone in the dark now normally wouldn't be an issue because either in the loud house was filled with a lot of noise and craziness made the young teen very happy especially being around his girlfriend every single day as it all felt good but the only reason why he didn't share this before because he wanted to just be a man and handle it on his own yet knowing the poor child had suffered worse combined with the advanced darkness didn't help at all so luckily being the morning time he immediately woken up to feel brighter than ever keeping the ring on his finger from the auburn haired tomboy then picks up his phone and texting her very quickly talking about how he missed her and the family can't wait to see them today which she replied back in happiness that he'll be home soon enough and has another surprise on the way with a little pink heart emoji.

Alex's POV

The emo teen was feeling very relieved that he can leave this place since the doctor said for him rest at home also curious of some surprise for him again but because he's still in some pain would need to relax before doing anything so when Rita and Lynn Sr come to pick him up, he will do that just right now being patient had ate some breakfast that wasn't so bad still stale pancakes but didn't want to make himself puke again this time now scrolling through his camera roll looking at some old photos with the loud family. Alex was getting some laughs out of each loud sibling he ever hung out with individually which was Luan delivering good jokes or going all out on April fools which was terrifying as some photos of pie being thrown or video of himself getting chased by dogs in first person view then jamming out with Luna going to a few concerts, shopping at the mall with Leni, going golf with Lori sometimes which was fun, playing with the twins in their room as some photos of them in joy, calling ghosts with Lucy that one time on some séance stuff or writing poems together, babysat Lily and did some experiments with Lisa that ended of course explosions leaving them some scars for a week. He was lastly scrolling down seeing to his two main best friends that was Lincoln and Lynn as some photos were at their place or sport events and the arcade with Clyde those were fun times, some videos of just Lynn winning her games at school or relaxing at the park as the sporty tomboy was laying on his chest enjoying the sunset together and other places like dairyland, burpin burger, the movies, and the skating rink which was all wonderful memories for the young man. "I love all of you! If it wasn't for Linc reaching out to me then things definitely would've went different" he said to himself softly smiling at his phone then putting down on the bed focusing on the tv switching through channels for any good shows besides the depressing news or soap operas like dream boat the loud sisters would watch together on the weekends as he often came across to finds it so basic and later on during today gotten changed still waiting for his girlfriend's parents.

Rita and Lynn Sr's POV

Both loud parents had gotten their breakfast meals and dressed up to leave the house going to the hospital were happy to pick up Alex meanwhile their kids were at school because he can finally come home, but aware of the doctor's orders about him getting rest because of his wound and everything so they'll definitely make sure he takes it easier even informed their 11 children of course. "Ooh I'm so glad Alex is free from the hospital! We've already got it all together and glad we had enough time" Lynn Sr said sighing with a faint smile as his wife couldn't agree more because of lately with this whole situation and dealing with either his managing the restaurant then his office and balancing her dentist work but wasn't so too much for them to handle as the two wanted to do something special for him after all being such a good influence on their kids in general like Clyde pretty much to handle the loudness of the family. "Yeah between working and back n fourth of this as well has paid off! So let's just keep it under wraps" Rita said softly feeling excited making shush look as the older married couple had parked VanZilla going inside the hospital to greet and escorting him outside to the vehicle heading back to the house. "I'm so glad to be back with the louds!! I missed you all, didn't mean to make you guys spooked!" he said softly chuckling a little bit being that it has been four days wasn't fun at all made them worried as the parents were laughing a little bit feeling so relieved that he seems to always be in a positive mood. "We've missed you too Alex! Just so happy you're okay and once we get to the house everyone else will be happy to see you!!" Rita said looking back at the young teen with a soft motherly smile as her husband nods in agreement feeling the same excitement too making to the house just in time to leave the van taking him inside with a little blindfold.

Third Person's POV

Alex was walking inside the loud family household stepping into the living room didn't exactly understand what was all the fuss about him being blindfold at first having his arms out to feel anything at all but two pair of hands grabbed and pulling him into the dining room as the front door was closed by the older married couple who remained silent joining the young man standing close to him as what was happening is the emo teen was settled down into a chair thinking if something was going on. "I guess I can take off the blindfold now?!" He said slowly pulling it off his face being able to see the loud siblings and their respective friends surprising him with a welcome home banner on the upper wall, a get well soon cake that some vanilla/chocolate with some blue icing on it which makes him smile all happily didn't expect this at all to happen. "Wow! You guys made me this little party to celebrate me coming back! This is all so cool but I don't deserve this..." he said softly looking at all of them until feeling a certain someone's arms wrapped around his neck giving the emo teen a passionate kiss on his cheek. "Of course you do~ as I said before you deserve the whole world baby!" Lynn said passionately pulling back to adjust the phone firstly as her sisters and only brother all nodded in agreement telling him how much he means to them one by one making the emo teen just grab his shirt gripping out of happiness with some warm tears cracking a bright smile closing his eyes feeling so loved by everyone then took some tissue to wipe down the waterworks and noticed the phone is about to take their picture with everyone getting close to be in the shot. "Okay everyone say cheese!!!" Lynn Jr said grinning a bit as she ran to her boyfriend's side smiling at the camera that flashes taking the photo of them.

Lynn's POV

"It was my idea to make you this little party for being set free from the hospital though last minute, but with lately I know you've been feeling a little down and wanted to make sure that you definitely matter to us! Ever since we've met you've changed my life for the better, so why not show our love back to you with this!! I love you so much Alex" she said happily putting up her arms showing  the balloons on the side of the dining room and confetti carefully placed on the floor to some food on the tables from the kitchen besides the cake and some cupcakes on the side with green  frosting wanting to make it all special for him. "This is perfect Lynn! You really went all out for me...been on a roll I dig that" he said laughing a little holding his stomach before hugging her close to him which she returns back keeping his body into her space then sharing a soft kiss togethery as the tomboy was very happy with the results of her boyfriend liking the party is a complete success as there was cards for him to feel better so sympathetic from everyone in the room. The tomboy had kept her ring close to her finger showing it off to her best friends who were a giggling mess and seeing Alex had gotten some food on his own plate from the line just looking so happy as everybody was conversing with one another having a good time shifting to the afternoon the sporty girl was very satisfied by her boyfriend's vibe of joy since with the whole hospital she wanted to try cheer up anything bad that was occupying his mind m at all to be replaced by positivity and happiness.

Alex's POV

The emo boy had enjoyed his little party of being welcome back to the loud house after four days of remaining stuck inside the hospital, so the young man felt like he was going insane with the usual talking to himself has been over now, Alex was just minding his business to make sure he was just relaxing in his sleeping bag remembering that the doctor told him to just relax and remain at home until it's best for him to leave or test out if he move without feeling a little bit of pain since he's glad about taking the sacrifice for Lynn looking at the auburn haired athlete who was chit chatting with her roller derby crew by the door as slowly the party had finished up pretty much the loud sibling's friends headed off letting him know to get better soon enough which is very nice of them as he nodded then heads off to Lincoln's room laying down on the sleeping bag to take a nice slumber where he wouldn't be disturbed at all by anyone as Lynn had to follow after the emo teen and witnessing him to be sleeping very peacefully so she crouch down enough to give him a forehead kiss then walks out telling her boyfriend gently. "Sweet dreams aye  tiger!" She said calmly smiling before leaving to go her own room feeling so glad he's alright and no severely harmed in anyway at all as Alex would agree with the jock since he'll always protect her the same way she would with him feeling so special around the loud family who truly care about him a lot and will forever carry those feelings of mattering to them.

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