Chapter 11

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(Third Person's POV to 4 years later/ Rated M lemon happens) (Play this song to fit the vibe leading to it!!)

A seventeen year old tall boy was revving his dirt bike somewhat loudly enough to go riding down the street going a little fast but wearing a black helmet with purple flames, has on a black/white plaid hood flowing in the background underneath is a black shirt with My chemical romance on it, some hot topic jeans with a little chain on it, and Converse Pro Sean Pablo bleach high top skate shoes as the older teen was moving the bike upward for a moment then going back on the ground yelling out in excitement while heading to his destination that was a football field took long but made it to the game in time taking off his helmet revealing to be Alex with his signature curly/spiky afro sometimes make it long hair with Leni's help placing it on the bike handle before walking towards the bleachers seeing some people there on the sidelines all pumped up and others on the opposite side for their team which was the Royal Woods Roosters.

Alex's POV

The older emo boy was sitting down next to the loud family which he personally greets them of course with hugs checking his phone for any texts or calls he missed before looking up to pay attention towards some football players on their team's bench same with their opponents just waiting as some mascot was in the middle of the field jumping around giving some hype to the crowd as the young man is watching the football game in awe which doesn't start until 3:20 pm currently 3:11 on his phone then gets tapped by his shoulder from Lincoln whose now 15 years old with a bright smile on his face. "Alex!! Glad to see you made it buddy even though you were a little late hehe.." he said chuckling at his best friend giving him a friendly handshake that ends with a hard fist bump. "Bro I would never miss these games in the world! She's my girlfriend I have to support her even late speaking of Lynn is she on the field yet!?" He said softly grinning a bit before looking around to spot the sporty athletic girl making his way over to the bleachers where the rest of her family reside. "No Dude not yet! She's already on the bench waiting you should go talk to her now!! It's your chance to swoop in and surprise her~" Luna said pointing out to him in her usual laid back tone while eating a hotdog with Sam next to her taking little photos. "She's couldn't nonstop talk about you little dude! So better to get her attention now." Sam said agreeing with her girlfriend. Alex takes they're word and immediately stands up in excitement as he walks down the steps going over to surprise the competitive tomboy with Luan holding Benny's hand tightly putting up her finger for a little joke. "Nice to see you drop by Alex! Hahaha get it?!" She chuckles as her brown haired boyfriend was laughing with her admiring the prankish jokester as Alex cracks a smile giving the thumbs up before heading over to Lynn all sneaky like.

Lynn's POV

The older teenage tomboy wearing her football uniform without her helmet have grown out her long hair was looking onward at their competitors on the other side being Hazeltucky Hockers that were apart of the away team just as pumped as them so she was waiting to get started and crush their enemies but didn't notice a certain someone was walking up to her slowly from behind placing his hands to cover the athletic brunette's eyes upon hearing his words. "'s my little number one athlete! I know you'll love bringing home the gold for this one~" he said softly to make Lynn realize who it is before she puts him a sudden headlock then very playfully nooging him before letting go and give her boyfriend some lovely kisses from his cheek to his lips for a second. "Ha you know it babe!~ happy to see you my lover boy, but the game is about to start soon so relax and watch me dominate them!! Then later on we can chill somewhere private tonight~ I'll definitely show you my other moves my handsome prince." Lynn smirked feeling prideful that they'll win the game cupping his chin to gently caress even smacked his butt making the young black male let out a little yelp becoming a blush mess. "I-I mean we could do that...I don't mind at all but as long as we're protected can't be sorry than safe. Also had to smack my ass too!" He said blushed lightly stammered his words into somewhat gibberish yet made full eye contact since she knows how dominant she can be in a lot of ways not just sports. "Now go join my family by the bleachers! Let LJ handle these fools and take home the gold!!" She said confidently before hugging him passionately and heads back to the bench putting on her helmet all pumped then growls at her rival enemies who was talking smack about her going down, her family including her boyfriend that really set her off but sticks to the game plan. "Haha! You're going down little pipsqueak princess! Me and Hank will beat you to a pulp including your pussy boyfriend! Hawk mocked her one last time which was a grave mistake.

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