Chapter 14

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(Warning Rated M more violence will occur)

Third Person's POV

The sporty tomboy was all ready for school being a Tuesday morning which was a little strange to her family because she wanted to be there on time not go visit Alex first since she has a reason to do this and had ate some cereal to going straight outside had said goodbye to her parents before heading to VanZilla with her sisters and brother holding her backpack tightly remaining silent for a while in deep thought about her boyfriend can never forget their special moments together replaying in her mind of all the times two were either playing baseball at her house, so Alex had gotten a swing but accidentally landed in Mr Grouse's yard even hit his window one time then another memory of challenging each other who can eat ice cream the fastest which ended in a brain freezing draw or deliver better Dutch ovens against Lincoln which was a painful time for the poor eleven year old back then as Lynn recalls him surprising her with football tickets which was their third date had joined by Lori and Bobby, so she was smiling warmly about those wonderful times until snapping back to reality when seeing her turn to leave the van and had waved her older sister bye for now going inside the school building.

Lynn's POV

She could feel some form of emptiness in her heart without seeing the emo teen walking through the halls just bored out of his mind but wasn't alone because she is always the light of in his darkness that completely faded into more positivity, so the athletic competitive teen was passing by his locker remembering herself defending him nonstop from those three bullies from the start and will surely go after their leader as the mere image of the shitface human would make her blood boil even more but has other students noticed the sporty girl walking by and were instantly giving their sympathy which they barely paid much attention to the lonely boy the whole school year as it was now the month of October but keeps the petty thoughts to herself and walks away to her first period that is history with Margo and Lainey. "Lynn, I know you're bummed out about your boo but at least you'll see him later right?!" Margo said patting her best friends back gently as Lainey was agreeing with her roller derby buddy trying to cheer up the tomboy. "Yeah I'm sure the cops will eventually find whoever did it!" She said as Lynn nodded taking their kind words with a nice little group hug but does know who done it and will break Randell when she sees him today.

Randell's POV

The skinny hooded teen had to lay low last night after the incident he caused had to lie his way from his parents about him fighting his best friends or something because there was investigations at the skate park didn't want to cause any suspicious keeping his cool, so he knows his wrongdoings in the past bullying the emo boy up to this point surely will meet his end of the line unfortunately for him as his buddies had to keep the mullet haired bully close when reaching the school by walking until the coast was clear inside the building to have some space just as the teen is checking every corner of the hallway before going to social studies and going through the morning unscathed for now. "Looks like Loud isn't here! Guessing the emo turd still in the hospital..." "I stabbed him pretty hard that night! Should've went deeper and kill him! I would've gotten Lynn if he wasn't in the way!" he conversed to his friends who were chuckling with him passing through the main hall leading to the same direction as Lynn was walking from science holding onto her bag didn't exactly notice who it was that she is truly after and he wasn't paying attention either stuck in his little joke until bumping into each other to both stumbling back even his two goons had seen her but was too late to tell him quick.

Third Person's POV

Lynn and Randell were slowly regaining their balance wasn't focused at first until seeing each other in the same hallway as nothing but silence were foaming the air for a moment, the two teens probably made it awkward from the outside of other students walking by to get to their classes yet noticing them and were slowly joining to surround including the tough tomboy's friends as now Lynn's eyes widened out of fury which makes Randell gulp a little bit feeling his fear slowly rise from within as she starts to speak very angry with the male. "I've been looking for you Randell! Now that you're here it's payback time you prick!!!" She said angrily stepping closer to the hooded teen who turns to his buddies that were scared too so he just yells at them to attack her. "What are you idiots doing get her!!!" He pointed at the sporty teen so his two "minions" balled up their fists to run and attack but immediately failed when she easily dodges chase's punch and instantly gets knee into the stomach twice then slammed into a random locker hitting his head to instantly wince in pain into giving up as for Keith the fat dude had tried to grab the tomboy using his flabby arms which fails immediately which she dodges to do a running up drop kick to the man's face getting sent flying into a wall very hard and giving up too which leaves only Randell himself alone to fight her so like a coward he tries to run away from the scene as the crowd was in shock trying to hype up the fight but Lynn obviously wasn't letting him escape by quickly tackling the bully down now hovering over him . "ITS OVER YOU ASSHOLE, NOW TAKE THIS!!!" "FINE LETS DANCE YOU WHORE!!!" She immediately punching this man's face repeatedly breaking his nose to bleed and giving more bruises added to his face and head butting him into a locker and breaking his defense then throwing his body into a wall before grabbing the back his head and smashed into a locker about four times before he shoves her away with a bloody face quickly enough to run off yet she instantly gripped his hood dragging him back into this fight as the jock was curb stomping on his chest cutting to her choking him violently being driven to revenge since her boyfriend could've been killed for all we know if Randell managed to stab him deeper, she kicked him into a wall. "That's-why your pussy boyfriend should've...died you bitch wish I could kîlled him.." He spoke painfully trembling on the floor spitting blood on her shoes and Lynn's eyes gave him death blinded by rage she puts him in a chokehold. "YOU WON'T EVER LAY A FINGER ON MY ALEX EVER AGAIN!!" She yelled at him and was stopped from almost murdering him by random some teachers who got informed of the hallway breaking up the two teens and sent to the office where the bully ends up confessing his crime to the principal who called the police because they've confiscated his first weapon and the second plus admitting to manslaughter from the hospital so detecting his fingerprints now being taken to jail along with his friends being trialed as adults since it's been harassment for the emo boy which led to being stabbed as for Lynn who only gotten detention for today out of sympathy for her boyfriend and knowing Randell was a bad little shit from the start. "Lynn I'm going to let you off with a warning...not gonna give you detention but you will taking anger management classes okay?" The principal told her calmly as the jock sat there with emotionless stare giving back a slow nod remained quiet since it wasn't like she care anyway now covered in blood and gotten her revenge somewhat at least she wasn't going to jail or anything all she wants is to see her boyfriend.

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